Chapter 26

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Harry's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up with Blaire I'm my arms. I smile and kiss her neck. She stirs first then falls back to sleep. I chuckled softly and slowly untangle myself from her. I got up and went to take a shower. When I'm done, I got dressed and then went to go check on Blake. He's still sleeping, so I decided I'm gonna make his favorite which is pancakes. I start with the pancakes and wonder that now that Jake is back, will he take Blaire away from me? No I wouldn't let  that happen.

When I was done with the first batch, I felt someone tug at my pants. I look down and saw Blake

"Dadda pick me up" he whined

I laughed and picked him up. I wish he was mine instead of Jake's. I put him on the counter and continued making the pancakes.

"Dadda is mamma sleeping?" He asks

"Yes buddy why don't we give her breakfast in bed? How does that sound" I ask him

He nodded eagerly and lift his hands, signalling for me to pick him up. I picked him up and set him down. I grabbed the tray of pancakes with milks and syrup and we walked our way to our bedroom.

We got there and he jumped up and down on the bed screaming

" Mamma! Mamma wake up" he said and kept on jumping

She laughed and sat up "Okay okay I'm up Buddy. Now come and give mamma a kiss"

He stopped jumping and dived for his mother's arms. She kissed his forehead and cheek. Then she looked up and saw me with a tray.

"Look Mamma! Dadda made you breakfast and its also my favorite" he squealed. She laughed and asked me to come nearer.
I set the tray down and she pecked my lips.

"Morning baby" she said

"Morning babycakes. Sore?" I asked her

She shook her head and winked at me.

"Why don't I go take a shower and I'll see you guys downstairs. That alright?" She asked and we nodded our heads.

She went into the bathroom and Blake went to the playroom.

I went into the bathroom and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her neck and her breathing hitched. I knew I had this effect on her and I loved it.

"You were amazing last night" I said and kissed her neck

"Mmmm you made it amazing" she moaned

"Go finish up. You have a meeting with your manager at 10" I said and she groaned

"Do I have to go. I wanna spend my day with my boys" she said

"Baby you will tonight. I'm taking you both out tonight. We got something to celebrate I hope" I said saying the last part quietly .

She nodded her head and got in the shower.

I went back downstairs and ate breakfast.

30 minutes later

Blaire came down and she looked breathtaking. She looked at me and blew me a kiss.

"Blake come say goodbye to mamma" she yelled

Blake came down running and went straight to his mom and hugged her. She kissed his cheek and said "I love you buddy"

"I wuv you too mamma" he said and she chuckled.

She pecked my lips and left.


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