Chapter 14

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Jake's P.O.V

I seriously don't know why Blaire's acting this way. I saw Ash and he was laughing so I walked up to him and grabbed him by his shirt.

"What the fuck did you do" I hissed angrily

"Sup man. What are you talking about?" He asked innocently but he failed miserably

"What the fuck did you say to Blaire!" I yelled

"Oh bro it wasn't me. It was all I wouldn't be surprised if she never wanted to see your face again. You took her from me and I just did the same. Simple" he said calmly

"What the fuck do you mean" I asked confused

He smirked and took out his phone. He showed it to me and my eyes widened when I saw what he showed me. It was a picture of me and Kylie making out! Fuck! I looked at him and punched him

"Man that didn't hurt. But the one her brother gave you? Man that must've hurt" he laughed while replying

"Fuck you!" I said and walked away.

I walked to my car and sped off to Blaire's house. On the way I tried phoning her but it went straight to voicemail. Damnit it! She hates me now and I don't want her hating me. Fuck I sound so cheesy right noe but I don't care cause she changed my life. I stopped player ways for her and now I was on the verge of losing her.

~at Blaire's house~

I stopped and turned off the engine. I took my keys out the ignition. I walked up to their door and knocked. I checked to see if the car was in the driveway but it wasn't. Where could she be!? I got back into my car and drove. While I was driving , I saw lot of people standing around something. I caught sight of a car and a truck. The car looked very familiar. I stopped and got out. I got nearer to the car and saw it was Max's car smashed and inside was Max while Blaire was lying outside the car. My eyes widened and I ran up to her. Tears started forming as I see the blood around her.

"No no Blaire. Come on stay with me" I pleaded as my tears were streaming down my cheeks

"Someone call the ambulance! Don't just fucking stand there!" I yelled and they phoned the ambulance.

A few minutes the ambulance came and they immediately put Blaire on a stretcher. They got her brother out and they rushed them to the hospital. Please be alright Blaire.. I got in my car and drove behind the ambulance

Blaire's P.O.V

We were on our way home and Max tried talking to me but I just kept my mouth shut. Max looked at me and I looked ahead. My eyes widened as I screamed "Maxy watch out!"

But he looked too late and the next thing I know is that my body is outside of the car. My vision was blury and pain shot through my body. I saw Max's car smashed and he was inside. I wanted to help but I couldn't move. My vision weren't clear anymore and soon I welcomed the darkness with open arms.


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