Chapter 21

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Still Blaire's P.O.V

I've been ignoring Jake ever since that day. Its been two weeks now and he had been meaning to talk to me ever since. I was walking down the hallways when suddenly someone grabbed my arm. I wanted to scream but the person clamped my mouth shut with their hands. I turned around and met Jake

"Seriously Jake! What the fuck is wrong with you!" I whisper-yelled

"Sorry but you've been ignoring me ever since that day and you never told me why" he said looking hurt

"Sorry Jake but you've cheated on me twice! With the school's slut really!" I yelled

"Babe just let me explain please" he begged

I shook my head signalling 'no'.

"Sorry Jake just leave me alone." I said and walked out of the closet and to class.

~in class~

I was sitting in class when Jake came through the door. "You're late Mr. Riley" Jake just looked at him and just walked to his seat which was next to me. I ignored him the whole period through class. He tried putting his hand on my thigh but I just took it off everytime. When the bell rang I quickly got up and walked out of the classroom.

"Blaire please just let me explain!" He yelled

I just ignored him and continued walking straight to my next class which thankfully Jake don't sit next to me. I walked in and sat at my seat. Jake came in and wanted to talk to me but I just kept my head down and pretended I was busy. The bell rang signalling lunch. I got up and ran to the cafeteria.

~at lunch~

I sat at my usual spot with my three BestFriends. I looked at them and bit my lip. They looked at me confused

"Well are you gonna tell us what's been bugging you!" Kim asked

"Yeah tell us please its killing us" Chloe pleaded

"Okay then well remember when I took part in that video competition?" I asked and bit my lip

They nodded their heads and I continued

"Well I won" I said proudly

"OMG YOU WON!" Chloe squealed

"We're so happy for you!" They said in unison and hugged me. A smile crept onto my lips.

"When are you leaving? We want as much time with you as possible before you leave" Kim asked

"I leave right after graduation day" I said

They looked at me wide-eyed and shocked filled their eyes






"WHAT!" They yelled

"Guys quiet down please. I don't want anyone to know especially Jake. It'd be easier to leave." I said and sighed

"We understand. So how are you gonna tell him?" Kim asked

I shrugged and said " I'm not sure. Maybe write a letter and then you have to give it to him as soon as the plane leaves"

Kim nodded her head and hugged me. "I'm going to miss you so much. When you're famous don't forget who your BestFriends are" she said and smiled

"And why would I do that" I said and laughed

We had a group hug and said 'I love yous'

The bell rang and I went to my next class.


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