Chapter Twenty-five

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"Noble pharaoh demands your presence at his courtyard

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"Noble pharaoh demands your presence at his courtyard."

Nefertari raised a brow at the servant before looking away. Dipping her fingers in a tiny bowl of coconut oil, she rubbed the grease into the sore tips.

"I will be with him shortly," she replied and turned back to the carpet she was working on. The design was intricate; lotus flowers and papyrus lined the edges and in the middle was a half-finished sun. It was a hobby she had picked up since she was five. Whenever worry or vexation comes upon her spirit, she returns to her project. She had been working on this carpet for three years now.

"Why do you linger? Do you have something else to say?" Nefertari asked irritably.

"No-nothing, my queen," said the servant.

"Then leave," she commanded in a stern voice.

Nefertari frowned as she focused on her little project. She still couldn't wipe the horrific sight of Addisu's back off her mind. Ramesses skinned her.

"The animal!" She tightly clutched the loom as she pulled the attached bright yellow thread through deep blue stretched threads. Rage boiled within her but she fought it, squeezing the scalding emotion into a tight ball and pushing it to a corner of her mind. She needed a clear head if she was to be successful in her plan.

Standing, Nefertari observed her features in the mirror to her left. She discarded her scented wig, choosing to go with her coal-black hair held in a bun. A few wrinkles had started appearing at the corner of her mouth and eyes but she was never one to worry about ageing. Forty-five was not a bad age to start developing some lines on the face. Donning a blank expression, she stared at her reflection with hard eyes.

"Be strong." Nefertari placed a comforting hand over her heavily thudding heart and sighed deeply before walking out of her room.


"I am happy," Ramesses said.

Nefertari sat straighter in the recliner and put on her best smile as she glanced at her husband.

"It is good to hear this."

Ramesses laughed and lifted his goblet of wine to his lips. Excitement shone in his eyes as he stood from the recliner they shared and walked to the edge of the balcony. His back was turned to Nefertari as he gazed at the land of Egypt.

"I am the king of the greatest kingdom on earth aren't I?" He raised the cup in salute before draining its content.

"I have plans, Nefertari...big plans. But I am also worried."

Ramesses turned to her. The amber glow from the lamp revealed a slight frown and his bald head shone without the cover of the nemes headdress.

When she came to the courtyard earlier, she had met him eating figs and drinking merrily; he even invited her to sit with him. His behaviour was suspicious. She felt like a cow fattened for sacrifice.

"What is it that worries you?"

"You." He began to pace with his frown still in place.

"Why is that?" Nefertari tried and failed to calm her racing heart as she followed his movement with a watchful gaze. She didn't want to miss anything. Ramesses, being who he was, might have a sudden angry outburst and lash at her.

"Twice. Twice! I heard you went to see that traitor, twice. Do you think I wouldn't find out? You think I'm a fool?" Ramesses spat the question as he slammed his empty goblet on the marble side stool.

Nefertari gulped before answering. "I am sorry if my action worries you. Addisu is very dear to me, and I—"

"Very dear to you? Ha!" Ramesses barked with laughter then stopped almost as soon as he began. "You are never to see her again."

Though Ramesses' expression was flat, Nefertari sensed his fury. She bowed. "I would never visit her again."

It was a struggle to hide her rising rage, but Nefertari possessed enough sense of self-preservation not to speak any foolish word. When Ramesses turned from her, she stood and approached him. His shoulders were rigid and his eyes shut.

"I am sorry."

Ramesses chuffed. "You better be. Do not think for one moment that your royal blood shields you from my anger."

"I would never dare to think that," Nefertari said in a low soothing voice. "You are Pharaoh of Egypt, what can shield me from your anger?"

"Exactly what I thought." Ramesses rested his hands on the stone railing of the balcony and leaned forward. He looked deep in thought, with unfocused eyes fixed on the far East.

"What plan do you have for us? The whole of Egypt looks up to you, you know?"

The corner of Ramesses lips lifted. Nefertari mentally patted herself for successfully stroking his bloated ego. When he turned, his smile was genuine, causing crowfeet to appear at the corner of each eye. He looked almost handsome, almost.

"I plan to go after the slaves. I will crush them under a heavier burden than what they enjoyed in the past, spread my rule beyond the seas and bring even more nations under my authority. I plan to break them all, to take their freedom. So great will be my authority that they will worship and fear me." Ramesses' voice was hard with raw determination. His eyes shone with promise—a promise of doom on those who would dare stand in the path of his conquest.

Nefertari placed a tentative hand on Ramesses' shoulder. "I am proud that you are my king and husband. With Egypt under your capable rule, such a feat is not impossible to attain. I still marvel at all you have achieved these years. But something worries me..." Her voice faded as she released Ramesses shoulder and looked away with a worried frown on her brow.


Facing Ramesses again, Nefertari gazed up at him with imploring eyes. "Your surviving sons, would they be able to carry on your legacy? How would they see you conquer these nations? I am most certain you would achieve flawless victory, but imagine how it would be when your sons are present to learn first-hand. But I know that's impossible." Nefertari released a bleak laugh and shook her head.

Ramesses nodded slowly. "I see what you mean." He walked back to the side stool and refilled his goblet. Sitting heavily, he raised the cup to his forehead and rubbed it against a spot. "I can take them all with me..."

Yes! Nefertari internally smirked in victory. "I am concerned it may be dangerous, and—"

"Bah! I will be with them throughout, won't I?"

"Yes, but—"

"But nothing, Nefertari. They need to learn first-hand as you said." Ramesses chuckled and drained the content of his cup. His eyes gleamed when he faced her. "We would leave that young one, he is below four..." He rambled on excitedly.

Nefertari's heart sang at his words. Nekaure' would be saved.

"Yes, tomorrow I would have an assembly with the nomes and their soldiers for hire. We would go after the slaves the day after tomorrow," Ramesses said with a broad grin.

"You are truly brilliant—so wise." Nefertari applauded and lifted her goblet of wine to her lips, hoping the cup hid her victorious smile. "You are Ra personified,"

"And I would take that traitor along," Ramesses said with a scowl. "I have very good plans for her."

Nefertari's smile died. That wasn't part of the plan.


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Thanks y'all.

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