Five • Tea

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You ambled along behind your sister and Newt, who dove into casual conversation.

Tuning them out, you sponged in your surroundings. The magic to make the enclosures was incredible. Every creature had its place, and ever creature was in that very place. It was fascinating to see the many species interact with one another.

As you neared a shed looking abode you passed a extremely peculiar enclosure, a tree. With plenty of small branches. Amongst the branches were small green, stick bug looking creatures. You stood there and watched for a moment, as Newt and Poppy went into the brightly lit cabin. You could faintly hear the sounds of pots knocking about and the smell of magic caught your nose.

"Is a shot of cream and two sugar alright?" Newt asked, as he held the tea cup in front of you.

With a dull look, you turned your attention away from the creatures. You knew them, yet you could not remember from where and what the name of them were. It bothered you. The name was on the tip of your tongue.

"Bowtruckles." Newt said, as he sipped his own drink.

"What was that?" You asked as you took the cup from him.

His hand brushed yours and he nearly spilled the tea, as he jerked his hand away. Catching the cup you looked at Newt. Really looked at him. You squinted slightly and tilted your head to both directions. Newt fidgeted under you gaze. He went as far as to turn his face away and tap a foot.

"What's this?" You asked as one of the Bowtruckles crawled out of Newt's collar.

Reaching out to it, it latched onto your hand and allowed you to hold it.

"Odd? Pickett is usually very attached to me." Newt pondered.

"Really?" You asked, as the creatures crawled it's way up your arm.

"Yes. But I don't think it's  him who is odd." Newt said, as he looked to your face, just as you looked up to look at his striking blue eyes.

"Are you accusing me of something, Scamander?" You said as you sipped your drink. It was your favorite tea. An exotic one at that.

"Well I'm not quite sure. You might just have a way with beasts." Newt said, as he reached out to take back Pickett, before the creature got himself tangled in your hair. Pickett simply hid behind your collar and stuck his tongue out at Newt. Newt's hand has against your scarf gently.

With a chuckle you realized Newt had moved closer to you. His nose brushed yours as if to test the waters. After he saw that you didn't flinch he proceeded to place his lips on yours for a split second. Your eyelashes hit his and he backed a full pace away.

"I'm sorry...I-"  Newt began before you heard a whistle from the door to the cabin. Looking over you saw Poppy with her fist in the air as a sign of victory.

"I told you!" Poppy shouted as she ran down the steps and threw herself at you.

You nearly poured out your tea on her from the abrupt impact. The girl held you in a tight hug and vibrated with joy.

"I knew it." Poppy whispered as she let go. 

You looked over her to Newt who looked as awkward as your uncle at a wedding, which was never a good mix.

"So Mr Scamander, your my sister's boyfriend now right?" Poppy asked as she looked between the two of you.

"Poppy I don't think-" you began.

"Sure. I could always use help with my creatures." Newt said with a charming smile to the girl as he patted her head.

"Great. Well we should go home now. See you tomorrow, Mr Scamander!" Poppy said as she tried to drag you away, teacup and all, to a place where you could apparate home.

"My tea." You protested, as you dug your heels into the ground.

"Finish it when we get home. I'm tired." Poppy complained.

"You can get the mug back to me later in the week." Newt called.

"See? You can just make it a date. Now let's go home." Poppy said with a defiant stomp of her foot and a cross of her arms.

"Fine, you have your books and your phoenix?" You asked the younger girl.

"Yep. Newt gave me a bag." She said as she showed the inside of the bewitched bag that could hold whatever you desired.

"Okay. Then home it is then. No stunts this time." You said as you drew your want and apparated from wherever you were back to your two bedroom flat you shared with Poppy.

Finally you could call it a day. You were exhausted, both physically and mentally. Newt seemed to do that, and how you somehow always got caught up in his business.

Please consider voting on this chapter if you liked it, thanks so much for reading! Would you want a Bowtruckle? I know I would!

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