Nine • Poppy

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You swore if Newt showed up at your flat you were going to throw something at him. You were exhausted once again as you returned home. Coming out of the floo you were met by your sister and a young boy siting on opposite sides of the couch.

"Poppy who's this?" You said as you looked the boy over.

"He's a friend from school." Poppy said with a smile to the boy, who blushed a bright red.

"Yeah? So he's a wizard then, right?" You asked your sister as you dropped your bag on the floor in front of the hallway and went to find food.

"He's a Hufflepuff and yes he is a wizard! There's no way I would let a muggle in our flat. Not with you living here, sis." Poppy said, with a chuckle.

"A Hufflepuff? I guess I can see it." You said as you looked through the entirety of the kitchen on a quest to find supper.

"Any news on Newt's book?" Poppy asked from the other room.

"Forget about that for right now. I'm more concerned about my fantastic supper and where to find it." You said sarcastically as you did a second sweep.

"Can't you just use magic?" The boy asked from the couch.

"I can use magic, thanks. I am a witch of the order of Merlin." You replied.

With a scared expression the boy stood and walked to the fireplace.

"I-I'm gonna go home now. See you later, Poppy." The boy said as he grabbed a handful of floo powder an left for home through the floo network.

"Great! Another one you scared away!" Poppy seethed, as she entered the kitchen.

"What of it? I'm like this to ween out the weak willed. Be thankful." You said, as you reinspected the interior of the cupboards.

"You know, supper's on the stove. Right beside you." Poppy said with a disappointed expression.

"What? He wasn't your boyfriend, was he?" You mocked.

With a pout Poppy looked at you with her dreaded puppy eyes.

"Are you mad?" She asked as innocently as she could.

"I'm not mad, just disappointed. You should have told me. You're still a child, and my little sister." You said as you platted up the pasta dish your sister had made.

"You must be playing me a farce." Poppy said, trying to sound smart.

"Where did you find that word? While on your adjective hunt?" You teased.

"Maybe. I got a whole lot of them too." Poppy cheered up immediately at the thought of Newt.

"Well get on with it then." You said with a laugh as you took your plate to the table and took a seat.

"Okay so here are just a few. Charming, charismatic, caring, brave, kind, loyal, empathetic, um... adventurous, there was more I swear. What were they?" Poppy asked herself.

"I think that's plenty." You said with a mouth full of pasta.

With a laugh your sister went back out to the kitchen to read. It was normal of her to just live in her stories.

"What was his name?" You asked.

"Percival or Percy." She said, you only shrugged in response. It didn't really matter who's family he was in.

"Did you see Newt today?" Poppy asked as you platted up your second helping of food.

"Yes, actually. I ran into him at work." You replied.

"That's funny. It's like you have a magnetic attraction to him, or something." Poppy giggled.

"Did you tell Newt to come here last night?" You asked, your sister. It still wasn't clear in your mind the reason of his visit.

"Yeah? I wanted to know about phoenixes. He said about his book and said he would floo it over. Didn't I tell you?" Poppy said.

"No, you didn't. He just showed up in the middle of the night to say hello, and scare the magic out of me." You said as you finished your second plate of food and got up to put the dish in its place.

"I'm sorry. That must have been awful." Poppy said in mock seriousness before she broke out in diabolical laughter.

"You planed for it to happen. You meddling git." You said as you went over to sit with your sister.

"Can you just admit you love him already? It's so obvious." Poppy said as she dove back into her reading.

"Not yet, no." You admitted. You had not known him for much more than a day.

"Well, we need to see him again then." Poppy said matter of factly.

"Poppy give him a few days. You do not need to pester him on a daily basis. Not to mention I already saw him today. At least give him tonight." You sighed. You needed sleep, and badly.

"Fine. But can you at least sleep in your own bed tonight?" Poppy asked, as if she wanted the couch.

"Sure. Just don't stay up too late. I am going to bed. Goodnight." You said, as you got up, and picked up your bag from the hallway.

You then walked into your room and landed face first into your pillows on your bed. Newt would have to wait.

After what felt like hours you heard a knock on your door that pulled you from your dream, and the sleep you so needed.

"Sis? Newt's here." Poppy called.

"Tell him I'm dead." You groaned into your pillows just loud enough for her to hear.

You could then hear her foot steps as she walked down the hallway.

"She says she's dead." Poppy said in the most dull voice you had ever heard from the girl in your life.

"I see. Well tell her that I will she her tomorrow at the ministry then." Newt said in an amused tone.

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