Fifteen • Mail

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Arriving home with a snap of magic you felt like it was for the best. Newt was a nice man, as you knew but... It wasn't worth getting hurt over. Bile rose at the back of your throat as you thought of how sad Newt looked. He had already felt terrible about the creatures and now you made him feel like he was at fault for how you acted. You were only afraid of losing someone else who meant something to you.

"Hey sis!" Poppy said, as she heard you land in the living room.

"Hey Poppy. Did you eat yet?" You asked as casually as you could.

"I made roast beef and veggies. How was work?" Poppy said as she walked into the living room.

"It was fine. I got a field case, believe it or not." You told the girl.

"Oh yeah? Who were you paired up with?" She asked with a smug smile.

"Newt actually." You said as you shelled off your jacket and proceeded to sit on the couch.

"I know. He told me. Isn't it great?" Poppy chimed, as she sat down beside you.

"Not really, Poppy." You told the girl honestly as you held your head in your hands.

Poppy was far too young to understand what you were going through. She would learn from her own experiences how men were.

"Oh no. What's wrong?" Poppy asked.

"I don't really want to talk about it." You said, as you stood up.

You felt like you had to talk to someone and yet you couldn't tell your 12 year old sister. You would have to find some way of coping with the new information. You could delve into your back order of papers and work or you could mope about in your room as you gradually became angrier and more disappointed.

"Well if your not going to tell me, then you can at least go for a walk or something. I don't want to listen to you complain about it. Or see you all depressed." Poppy said in a huff.

"Thanks for the pep talk Poppy. I think, I will go for a walk." You told the girl as you picked up your coat.

Walking towards the door of the flat, just past the kitchen unit tucked into the corner.

Walking out of the flat you walked down the creepily dark stairs. Reaching the landing the lights flickered and flies buzzed about lazily around the hanging lights.

Moving over the filthy, stained carpeted floor you walked over to the post boxes. Tapping the lock with your wand in flung itself open and spewed letter after letter out into the air. Stumbling back you covered your face with your arms until you were out of the line of fire.

After the post box seemed to have ejected the last of your mail you began to collect the papers off the floor. Many of which were formal letters or invitations to high class parties that you never went to. Amongst the letters were flyers and pamphlets of all sizes and colors, many had moving images of spokespeople trying to pitch you the product.

Placing all of the junk in one pile and important, or things worth reading in another. You were sat on the floor in the middle of the lobby to your flat building which you had lived in for a little more than a year. The flats themselves weren't all that bad, and they weren't all too expensive. Not that it mattered much, you had plenty of your parents money in Gringott's bank.

Finishing up with your sorting you stood with the arm load of post. Looking out to the street your eyes grazed over the dull night. The ambient light of the street light across the street flickered in sync to the one in the lobby you stood in.

Walking over to close back up the post box . As you turned to walk back up the stairs you stood facing two black hooded figures standing outside of the locked glass doors. You had known this day would come and yet you hadn't expected it so soon. You had to protect your sister.

With a jolt, you drew your wand and apparated back to your living room.

Throwing the post on the couch next to Poppy you rushed forward to lock the flat entrances. You casted as many wards as you knew. You wouldn't last against them if you didn't. You weren't prepared for this. You had known for some time this battle was coming. You had only accepted it as inevitable, and that would would do whatever you could, to prevent them from doing what you had always fretted.

"Poppy close the blinds!" You hollered, as you ran down the hall and locked all the windows by magic.

"What's going on?" Poppy asked from the other room.

"There here. They found us." You said as you returned to the living room to cast a silencing charm and a charm to fend off evil.

"What! Who found us?" Poppy asked.

"The people who killed mum and dad." You replied.

Please vote for this chapter if you liked it. I won't be able to update this weekend until maybe Sunday so sorry about that. Thanks again!

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