Fourty Three • See you in NY

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"Gabriel? Can you hear me?" Newt's voice echoed around the small room.

With a groan the boy tore his eyes open to the blinding light of day.

"Who are you?" The young boy groaned.

"Newt. Newt Scamander, actually. Nice to meet you." Newt chimed.

"Did you really need to wake him up? He looks exhausted." A female voice spoke from beyond the boy's line of sight.

"Tina, just let me do what I have to." The man replied to the American.

"Get out of my room." The boy said as he shook in his sheets and flannel sleep wear.

"I'm here to help you." Newt said with a slight half smile.

"I'm fine. I don't need your help." Gabe replied, his voice raising and becoming more pained.

"Yes, you really do. There's  no shame in asking the help of others." Newt said with a click of his tongue.

"I want my brother here. He said I would meet with a woman. He said she would help me." Gabe said in a much quieter voice that shook almost as much as his frail shoulders.

Newt looked back over his shoulder to exchange glaces with Tina. It was a mutually shared look of confusion and question. What were they to do?

"Gabe, just listen. Newt will help you. The woman I spoke about... she's gone..." Percy said as he made his way past Tina, into the small white room.

"What do you mean by that? She's not dead is she?" The young, scared boy shuttered a the thought.

"She's off in the mountains..." Newt muttered seemingly to himself.

"The mountains? What would she be doing there? Or better, what mountains, this is London!?" Tina asked from the position she had taken up at the door.

"You wouldn't understand. She's so unlike you there's no point in explaining. Now, Gabe I need you to do just what I tell you." Newt said flatly.

"O-okay," Gabe replied as his brother sat down beside him.

"Good. Now I need you, Tina, to leave. You're really no help here." Newt said as he turned to the woman.

"Fine. I'll go chat with that good for nothing Lake Tyrrell. I'm sure he knows more about all this than I do." Tina said with as much sarcasm as she could muster. Newt wouldn't stop talking or doing anything for two days. He hadn't eaten he hadn't slept. It was really starting to wear on his nerves.

Tina left Newt to his work and made off to find Lake. It wouldn't be hard to relay a message. Lake wasn't necessarily the sharpest tool in the shed, and would take her word for most things.

It was in everyone's best interest if Newt's little girlfriend left on a little trip. Especially Newt, he could then focus on more important things, like his book, or her...


"I'm finally done here. I'll go back to London now." You said to yourself, as you patted your scrapped knee with a leaf and a poultice you had made.

"Then leave." The massive scaled creature spat at your sitting figure.

"And how might you suggest I do that? Being as magic-less as I am." You replied.

"I might be able to help you there." A familiar American sounding voice said from behind you.

Standing just before the thin tree line stood the tall man in a brown woolen coat.

Newt Scamander's Beasts  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now