Seven • Office

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The following morning you woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. Rolling over you looked to the window. By the placement of the sun it was about time to leave for work.

"Breakfast is ready!" Poppy called, far too loud from the small kitchen space attached to the living room.

Getting up you saw a small brown paper package on the coffee table. The papers were also in neat piles and the package stood alone beside them. This shocked you, you hadn't seen the hardwood table top in what felt like years.

"Did you do this?" You asked Poppy as she walked over with a tray of food and tea in her hands in front of her.

"Do what?" Poppy asked.

She looked about puzzled before she saw the table. She looked to you, mouth agape.

"I can't believe it. It's actually a table. It isn't just a floating pile of garbage." Poppy joked as she set the tray down in front of the lamp on the end table, at the end of the couch.

"That's all my work papers. I will have you know." You said as you reached for a piece of fruit off the tray.

"What's the package?" Poppy asked as she sat on the couch and examined the box.

"No idea. Open it." You said, as you walked down the hall to your room.

You entered the room and picked up your bag for work and put on your ministry worthy attire. Before you left, you looked to your pristine bed. You hadn't slept in it for some time. It always too late after you were done your operational work after you came home to go to your room. You would only wake up your sister, so you settled with sleeping on the couch.

Returning to the living room you saw Poppy engrossed in a parchment leaflet looking bundle.

"What's that, Poppy?" You asked.

"It's a part of a book. About care of phoenixes." Poppy said as she continued to read.

"An excerpt? From what book?" You asked.

"It says it's from Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. It doesn't say who the author is though." Poppy said, as she looked up from the packet.

"Newt wrote it. It's his writing." You said, as you looked over her shoulder.

"You already know his writing? You have only know him for a day!" Poppy stated.

"I have been working with his file for the past few months. Not to mention the Ministry is giving him commission for writing that book." You said as you brushed off what your sister had said.

"Well he must be smart then." Poppy said, as she continued reading.

"Smart is an adjective." You muttered as you took a piece of toast off the tray sitting beside Poppy.

"Well, Newt is smart then. Happy?" Poppy said, as you collected your coat and walked to the fireplace.

"You can do better than that. Find a few today. Don't do anything you shouldn't when I'm gone." You said as you threw a handful of floo powder down.

"Ministry for magic." You said clearly as you stepped into the green flames.

"Bye!" Poppy shouted after you, as you left.

Walking out of the floo in the Ministry lobby you were met with a rushing mass of bodies moving in every direction. Cloaked figures with house elves slinked between the average looking folk and drew your eye. You watched the many magical folk of all walks of life and social status passed by. Not paying attention to the fact you were just stopped in the middle of a moving crowd, you walked right into someone.

Catching yourself so you didn't fall under the feet of the many bustling witches and wizards who went to and fro. You braced yourself against the blue wool clad man.

"Fancy seeing you here?" Newt said with a smile.

"Stop stalking me, Scamander. And stay out of my flat!" You snapped as you marched off.

"Wait a minute!" Newt called, as he ran after you.

You ran all the way to your office, Newt behind you the entire time. You didn't want to talk to him at that very moment. You were still feeling uneasy about what your sister had said.

Poppy was extremely paticular about things, and even more about people. You had known about Newt for some time, and even fantasized about meeting him at one point. You had gotten over it, thank Merlin. Yet you were starting to feel attached. You were never even interested in many of your classmates at school. Now at your age you had a massive crush on a man you only knew from reading about. It was completely laughable.

Once in your office you turned abruptly to face your pursuer. Newt didn't slow his pace fast enough and walked right into you.

"Why are you following me?" You asked him, still panting.

"For Poppy's sake we need to get along, what's your problem with me?" Newt asked in a stern tone, and a concerned expression that you hadn't yet seen adorn his face.

"What do you mean by that? She's my sister!" You spat at the man.

Leaning in he caught your lips in his. It sent a familiar jolt up your spine from the night before. Yet this time was different. It wasn't just a kiss. Pulling back after a minute Newt looked you in the eyes and smiled awkwardly.

"I don't want a boyfriend." You said as you avoided his gaze.

"I wasn't asking." Newt replied.

Please review or vote or both if you liked this chapter, thank you. What's your favorite breakfast food or do you call it something else where you're from? I like waffles and eggs over easy.

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