Zero • Introduction

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Started November 18 2016

finished April 23rd 2017

About 50 Chapters long

Please consider commenting any thoughts you might have while reading online. Collective criticism is more than welcome

This story has minimal media and is fine to be read offline.

Please be aware there are probably the odd spelling error within the story but it's all still readable. I'm human and I make mistakes and I'm also not the best editor in the world.

The reader insert part is written as if the reader is female.

I apologize for that but it just makes things simpler for me. It's not to say that I wanted it to be that way but that's how it worked out.

Sorry if you identify as something else, it doesn't play a large roll in the story so I hope everyone can still enjoy the story. Don't get mad at me, you can always ignore it or look elsewhere.


Torrance Coombs as Lake
Eddie Redmayne as Newt
Katherine Waterson as Tina
Dan Folger as Jacob

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"You can't run from your problems, your pains or your fears. What you can do is face them."

Please don't copy or reproduce this story, it's plot, original characters belonging to the author or any such things are permitted without the writer's consent.

Please don't copy my story, it was the third Fantastic Beasts Fan fiction novel on Wattpad. It was original, but I'm sorry if something seems like someone else's book. It is mine, so don't copy and don't steal. It's all I ask of you as readers.

©Stary_chan 2016/2017

Please enjoy!

Once you've finished reading please consider leaving a review, like what you liked or disliked. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

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