The results

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Ezra's POV

It was about 10:00 a.m I was getting ready to combat train with Sabine.Zander was extremely excited to watch we promised him a while back and today was that day.

I walked down the ramp of the Ghost to wait for Sabine.Zander came running over to me I smiled at him than looked up and saw Sabine in her armor that she hadn't worn for a while Sato was giving a small break to us we had missions here a there but not many in the last month or so.

"Hey"she laughed"you know hun you don't have to stare anymore you can just look"she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.I slid me hands onto her waist and returned the kiss.

"Well I forgot how amazing you look in you armor,it's hard not to stare" I told her with a smirk.

"Awww so cute mommy and daddy are kissing"Zoe said with a smile.

"Bla gross I thought you were combat training not making out"Zander said with a discussed look.

We separated from each other's embrace both blushing.

Then we heard laughing and saw Hera,Kanan,Zeb,chopper and Lucas were watching the entire time.Which made me and Sabine blush even more.

"It's just like when we caught them making out in Sabine's room when they were what,seventeen and eighteen"Hera said with a laugh.

"Oh I also remember when Ezra and Sabine sleeping in Ezra's room because they were watching a movie and fell asleep"Kanan said smirking.

"Yeah the looks on their faces was amazing"Zeb laughed.Chopper did a few beeps of humor.

"Zander,Zoe so you wanted to watch me and mom train?"I asked trying to change the subject.

Zeb laughed even harder and said "kid your really bad a changing the subject".

"Daddy's not a kid I am"Zoe told Zeb trying to imitate him.

"Yeah"Zander and Lucas said at the same time.

"He's more of a man than you Zeb, he was able to get a wife and kids when the only relationship you ever had was with space waffles"Sabine said backing up the kids.

"We should do some training now"I said to remind them what we were doing out here.

"Right,come on kids"Sabine said before setting all her weapons on low power.

I did the same and took my battle stance.Sabine walked a few feet away and took her stance.

She turned on her dark saber and I changed at me.I ignited my green light saber and got ready to block her first blow.She jumped at me and I blocked with ease I went to turn but was kicked to the ground by Sabine.I force pushed her away so I could stand up.I charged at her using strength while she was using agility.She pulled out her blaster and shot at me which I deflected back at her it almost hit her.She would swipe at my feet,than head,than torso and finally arms.I blocked her knowing her fighting style but she in stead of a strike towards my chest she kicked my legs out from under me and took my light saber.She put both sabers to my neck. She turned the sabers off and helped me up.We both put our weapons back than walked over to the kids.

"Yay mommy won"Zoe cheered.

"I told you your mom would win"Lucas told Zander.

"Dad will win next time,right dad"he asked me.

"Not sure bud"I told him.

"Go play now"Sabine told them with a laugh.The kids ran off happily.

"I'm gonna go shower"I tell her.

"You could use one you smell like Zeb"she laughed.

Than I left to shower "karabast"I muttered"hey Sabine you can shower first I have something I need to do"I tell her running to find the kids.

I found them watching the holo news in the common room.

"Zander can you come here a minute?" I asked him.

"Yeah coming"Zander responded.We went to me and Sabine's room and he sat on the bed in front of me.

" Need you to focus ok,on nothing spastic and clear your mind of all thoughts"I explained"this might feel a little uncomfortable"I told him.

"Okay"he said closing his eyes.I used the force to find out if he was force sensitive or not.After I got my answer I opened my eyes.

"Okay buddy your good to go"I told him we walked into the common room Zoe and Lucas were arguing about what show to watch.

"Zoe can you come with me please"I asked she nodded and followed.I did the same thing I did with Zander to her it was harder because she said she didn't like the weird feeling.I got my answers and let her play.

I showered than after I was done I gave Zoe a bath.Than went to tell Kanan the results. Kanan,Hera and Sabine were in the Cot pit.

"Did you get the answers Ezra?"Kanan asked.

"Yeah Zander and Zoe both are force sensitive"I told him sitting in the chair across from Sabine.

"Both"Sabine asked in shock.

"Yeah,have you checked Lucas yet?"I asked Kanan.

"Yup,no force training for Lucas"he answered.

"Are you gonna train both of them Ezra?"Hera asked me.

"Probably I hadn't really thought about that"I admit to her.

"Well since Lucas isn't gonna be needing training I could train Zoe"he offered.

"Sure why not"I said with a shrug.

"I think Sabine has something to tell you Ezra"Hera said looking at Sabine.

"Oh yes,I'm pregnant"Sabine said with a smile.

"Please tell my you aren't messing with me"I asked not believing what she had just said.

"It's true Ez"she said.

"This is amazing"I said hugging her and than giving her a kiss.I was so happy I was gonna have another son or daughter.
Yeah over a thousand words I was gonna leave off after that last kiss between Ezra and Sabine and I was at 995 so I was like just put a few more words.also I plan on updating tomorrow because I don't have anything going on.

Till next time Emily out

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