Scraping the Dark Side

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About one week after the last chapter.

Zander's POV

Dad was allowing Zoe to start sparing once again. At the moment that's what we were doing.

"Come on is that all you got?" I teased. She was obviously getting frustrated and I could sense it. Dad was going to getting involved soon. She stayed quiet. "Are you speechless Zoe? To scared to speak your mind?" I teased once again.

"Shut your mouth! You stupid tease! You are to scared to just fight, you insult to catch you opponent off guard! Not me!" She yelled and did a down strike that I blocked, opening up my torso. She kick me in the stomach causing me to stumble. She then force pushed me to the ground. I groaned and kicked up. I charged at her with focus. She got on a battle stance and blocked my attack. I did multiple strikes at her.

"Fighting with your anger is not the Jedi way. I think all that time with the sith changed you. Sith apprentice." I joked. Her eyes flashed golden yellow. She did a hard strike on my arm causing me to scream in pain.

"Shut up stupid padawan!" She yelled then force choked me. I was gasping for air. She threw me to the ground hard. Before I could get up I was force pushed back to the ground and across the ground of Atilon. Zoe had her lightsaber and mine walking towards me. I backed up until she slammed me in to the Ghost. Her eyes golden and glowing yellow with red around her irises. 

"Zoe!" Dad yelled walking towards us. But, she was in the darkness to far. Mom had her blaster on stun and she aimed at Zoe. Mom shot and stunned Zoe. I was panting and Dad was worried sick.

"Zander, go to the med-bay and fix yourself up." Mom said.

Kanan's POV

I was spending time with my two favorite girls Hera and Stella. When I felt cold, I looked to Stella and saw her shivering. Hera looked at me then held Stella to warm her.

"Dad I feel cold." Stella shivered. It felt like the first time Ezra used the dark side. But, it feel this strong when Zander used it. Then again I didn't have a strong bond with him like I did Ezra. That means it was Zoe!

"Kanan?" Hera asked.

"It was Zoe!" I said and ran out side.

   Evie's POV

I saw Kanan and Hera running out side. So, I followed them. I saw mom with her gun pointed at Zoe, Zoe unconscious, dad with his lightsaber ready and Zander panting on the ground. Zander walked inside and to the med-bay with a large cut on his arm.

"Mom what happened?" I asked. She sighed and walked over to Zoe.

"Zoe scraped the dark side." Dad explained.

"What triggered it?" Kanan asked.

"Zander was teasing her about her fighting." Mom said.

"Well she ended up with Sabine's attitude and anger." Zeb laughed while walking over to us. Mom gave him the "do you really wanna mess with me right this second" look which made him shut his mouth.

    Zander's POV

I was in the med-bay cleaning up my arm when Lucas walked in.

"Hey." Lucas greeted then started to help me clean up my arm.

"Hey." I said.

"I heard what happened with Zoe." Lucas commented.

"Yeah, I didn't think she had it in her." I admitted.

"She really snapped this time." Lucas laughed. We finished to see Zoe walking around. She noticed the red bandage and gasped while throwing her hands over her mouth.

"I'm so so so sorry!" She apologized.

"It's okay." He said.

"No it's not. I'm you sister I should not hurt you." She said.

"Forgive and forget." I said. She seemed to fear something cause she paled a little before running off.

   Alexander's POV

I was pacing in the bridge of my ship because I sensed something that was not right. A call came through I went to my quarters and answered. A hologram of Zoe came on to scream and she looked guilty.

"What did you do now?" I quizzed jokingly. She stayed silent which got me worried. "Zoe what's wrong?" I asked.

"I... can we just talk in person?" She asked.

"Yeah! Of course! What ever you need." I told her. She sent me a location of where to meet her then I set off.

At the location

  I saw Zoe sitting on a rock with her knees to her chest.

"Zoe what's wrong?" I asked.

"You won't like it." Zoe whispered her voice shaking like she had been crying.

"You can tell me anything." I soothed.

"I... I used the dark side and almost cut my brother's arm off." She whispered. I was shocked and just froze up. She tightened up her ball and didn't move.

"Why did you use it?" I asked.

"He called me a sith, said I was to scared to speak my mind and that my time being captured made me a sith." She said so quietly I could barely hear her.

"Zoe don't let him get to you, okay. You are a strong, beautiful courageous young woman." I comforted. I then pulled her in to my lap. She scooted closer to my warmth as I held her firmly and nuzzled her hair.

"I don't deserve someone as great as you." She said tiredly moving her head below my chin.

"I am the one who should have lesser of a girlfriend." I laughed.

"Say something else." Zoe commanded.

"Why?" I asked suspicious.

"Your voice is comforting." She said.

   Ezra's POV

Me and Kanan were talking with Bendu about what happened today. He stopped and closed his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Your daughter has a bond that has grown just now." Bendu said.

"Other than us?" Kanan asked.

"Out side of the rebellion." Bendu informed.

"Who?" I asked. The last thing I needed was her to get taken again. "Is she safe?" I asked.

"Can you sense her?" Kanan asked.

"No." I said.

"She feels..." Bendu started then focused again. "Pleased, safe and I can't tell what the last one is." Bendu said. Just then my com went off.

"This is Nora, I sensed something change in the form." Nora alerted.

    There you guys go! Almost all of my relatives came to my grandfather's place and I didn't have much time to update which is why it's so late. I plan on wrapping this book up soon. But, don't worry there will be a sequel. There will be at least three books. Thank you to all of those who have stayed with reading the crapy story. I will try and update tomorrow.

          Till next time Emily out.

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