Who's Ahsoka?

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  In this chapter Stella is two,the twins are three,Zoe is eight,Zander is ten and Lucas is eleven.Thank you Sphazey  for your opinion on timing for this chapter.Now on with the story.
Zoe's POV

  Me and my master Kanan were meditating after training.I was glad to be advancing through my training.I could now lift and push things with the force.I enjoyed training with Kanan it made me calm.I sensed him come out of meditation so I did too.

"That's enough training for one day,good job"he complimented.

"Thank you"I replied with a smile that I only wish he could see.We left him and Hera's room.It was 1800 (6:00 p.m.) so I went to go help Mom and Hera with dinner.I got to the kitchen and saw them finishing up.I walked up beside my mom and she gave me a side hug.

"What are we having for dinner?"I asked.Looking at Hera getting the salad ready I walked over to help her.

"Nerf steaks,potatoes and salad"Mom answered getting plates out.

I got sauces from the fridge and put them on the table.Than I got the forks and spoons and put one of each of them at each spot.

"Zoe would you get everyone and tell them dinner is ready?"Hera asked but,I could tell it was more of a nice way of telling me to do it.

"Yeah"I told her and left I went to Kanan and Hera's room first and told Kanan and Stella.Than went to my parents room and got my dad,Zander and Lucas.I found Evie walking down the hall way and told her.Than I walked to us kids room and saw Achen,chopper and Zeb talking about something and got them.The three ran into the dining room I was last in there.I sat down by Zander and Dad.We all started to eat it didn't take long for Everyone to start talking about the highlights of their days.I thought about training while I ate.

"Ghost crew to Zoe,you okay sweetie?"my mom asked concerned.

"Huh?"I asked not releasing I was being spoken to.

"How was your day?"She asked.

"Oh it was good I can lift small items with the force and force push things that aren't to large"I said proudly.

"That's amazing sweetheart"Dad told me.I was about to continue but the boys started fighting.

"I get the last one"Achen told Zander sternly.

"I am bigger,older and do more than you"Zander argued.

"How about this,I will spit the last steak between you two"Mom said stepping in.After dinner everyone picked up it was 2000 (8:00 p.m.)I went to the bathroom and showered and got in my pjs.I went said night to everyone and opened us kids room when the three younger kids slept in cribs in their parents room we had two bunk beds.Now we have three one on each wall we had shelfs and drawers in the walls by our beds.I climbed the ladder of me and Evie's bed and covered up.Mom and Dad came in to tuck me in.

"You okay Zoe"Mom asked with concern in her eyes.

"Yeah"I started then yawned"just a long day in training"I finished.

"If the training gets to hard tell Kanan you need a break" Dad told me.

"Okay night Mom, night Dad"I said.

"Night see you tomorrow"Dad said.

"Goodnight sleep well"Mom said then they both walked out.Thirty minutes or so later Mom, Dad,Kanan and Hera came to tuck the other kids in.Than I feel asleep.

   Zoe's dream (btw)

   I saw a red temple like thing.I saw a man or robot in a black suit he had a red lightsaber.He was fighting a girl togruta with ancient looking armor and she had two white lightsabers.I was confused why was I seeing this I saw a blue kyber crystal with what looked like the remains of a lightsaber.The temple started to collapse the togruta looked like she died the man left.Once the temple collapsed I saw the girl get up and limp in to the remains with a bird flowing her.

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