Interviews, Surprises, & Work

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"I'll be back in time, don't worry!" I yelled as I ran out to the back porch. I threw my bag on the grass and yelled for Chance.

"Come here boy!" I yelled making sure the door wasn't open. Then in the corner of my eye I saw Chance come out slowly.

"You okay, boy?" I said as I walked over to him. He looked tired and in pain. I took him in my arms and walked over to the large tree we have in the back. I sat down and plopped the puppy on my lap. I started petting him over and over.. He put his head on my knee and moaned. I didn't understand. After all, I'm not a dog expert.

"JESSICA!!!" Yelled Ms. Burkley. When she yelled I jumped. I got up and started telling Chance,

"Don't worry, I'll be back after this interview." I said as I put him under the back steps. I felt awful. I grabbed my bag and opened the screen door that led to the dining room. I rushed into my room, on my way up the stairs I ran into Ms. Burkley.

"How much more time do I have" I asked running upstairs practically falling.

"2 minutes" Ms. Burkley responded looking at her watch putting the laundry on the dining room table. I ran into my bedroom and grabbed a necklace (it had a gold chain with a key on it) my mom gave me. I put it on and ran into the interview room. I sat in the chair and waited for the family to come. About 2 minutes later they arrived.

"Hello there! We have heard only good things about you." The couple looked at each other. The man was tall, so he had to look down at his wife. She had brown hair and brown eyes. So did the man. They looked a lot alike. They weren't dressed fancy, but casual.

"I'm Olivia and this is my husband Paul. We are the Tortora Family." The women said gripping the mans hand.

"Oh, I'm Jessica" I said giving them a blank stare.

"Nice to meet you. What do you like to do for fun?" the couple asked.

"Go outside and watch movies." I said in a loud tone of voice.

After about 5 minutes the interview was over. And again I didn't like the family. I went downstairs into the living room to watch TV.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ms. Burkley asked.

"Watching TV. Why?" I asked in confusion.

"You have work right now hun!" Ms. Burkley said as she handed me a paper. "Here is your schedule."

"WHAT?!? I have work in 10 minutes? How am I suppose to get there that fast?" I said putting on my shoes.

"Oh, a boy called Aiden said he's going to pick you up everyday so you don't have to walk. He's coming now."

"Alright. Hey! What about Dakota?" I asked while running up the stairs putting the schedule on my desk.

"Her friends are giving her a ride" Ms. Burkley yelled.

"It must be nice to have friends." I thought to myself.

As I walked out of the room and down the stairs I imagined what it would be like to have a family that loved you and didn't want to give you away.

"Bye! He's here!" I said as I walked out the door adjusting my name tag.

"Thanks for picking me up" I said. I had absolutely no clue what to say. I mean really! I just met the guy!

"No Problem!" He said as he checked his mirrors and drove away.

A few minutes passed by and then finally we arrived. It was an extremely awkward car ride.

"Thanks" I said as I ran into the mall. Before I got into the mall I turned around to wave bye.

"WHAT!" I thought to myself. "This can't be!"

How can I work after seeing this?

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