Library Buddies

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*Beep Beep Be-*

I reached over to my nightstand and turned off the alarm clock. The clock read 7:15. It was quite early to me. I was still very puzzled about yesterday, about what Lyssey said. I looked across my bed and saw Lyssey sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Dakotah was still asleep so I wanted to be quiet. I looked at the calendar on the wall next to my bed and I realized I started school next Monday, and it was already Friday. I didn't have work today so I decided to go into the bathroom, brush my teeth and then watch TV in the living room. I got out of bed and opened a drawer in my nightstand. I took out my special pink fuzzy socks and then walked to the door.

"Where are you going Jessey?" Lyssey said. I guess she was awake this whole time.

"Just downstairs" I said opening the door. She reached into her bitty baby backpack and took out the book "Looking for the Treasure"! I was so thrilled!

"I wanted to give you this she said handing me the book, "When you passed out I grabbed it for you."

"Thank you soo much!" I said grabbing the book from out of her hands.

"Can I come with you now?" Lyssey asked, her eyes as wide as can be.

"Of course, you don't need to get my approval," I knelt down, "Here you can do whatever you want." I said smiling.

"Okay!" She bolted out of bed and walked with me downstairs.

"I'll be right back" I said walking into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom. I put my hair in a bun and walked back into the living room. Ms. Burkley was awake, she put on 'Zoey 101' for Lyssey and it looked like she was making breakfast. I hopped on the couch and began watching TV. I wanted to know more about Lyssey, so we could maybe relate to something.

"So, do you like sharing a room?"

"Yeah, I like it better than having my own." Wow, this kid was a little 'different'.

"Oh, really? A lot of people like having their own."

"I'm not like other people. I like to play outside and run around." I understood this kid perfectly. She was a tomboy, just like me.

"I don't like talking about bands or hair. I like getting dirty and playing sports."

"Yeah. I like sharing and having an older sister." I felt kinda of bad. Little kids always get adopted, she would have to leave without me. To me it seems like she, she needs me.

"Well you know, I start school Monday."

"What about me?"

"Well, I'll be home after school at around 3:30. I'll only have work on Tuesday-Thursday. Okay?"

"Okay, but who can I play with. The other girls don't like the same things as me."

"Try to be their friend, that's all."

"But, people treat me different." I felt so bad for Lyssey. She has been through so much and shes only 6. I wanted to cheer her up.

"Hey, how 'bout you and I, we go to the library. Get a book and" I whispered, "hang out with Chance."

"Okay, what time cause I have to go potty." I laughed, this kid was too funny.

"Go ahead, go potty. When you're done we can get ready and walk over there."

"Gotcha!" She threw the blanket of her and ran to the bathroom. I walked upstairs to get ready. I put on white shorts and a galaxy shirt that said 'IMAGINE' in white letters. I put on my black flip flops and went into Lysseys bitty baby bag. I wanted to pick out an outfit for her. She actually had a lot of outfits. I pulled out some jean shorts and a blue button up shirt. I put it on her bed and walked downstairs.

"What do you think?" Lysey looked absolutely adorbale.

"Beautiful " l admired this strong little girl.

"Well, stop looking at me, let's go!" And on that note we were out the door. We ran to the bus stop and hopped on the bus. The same people that were on the bus every other day were on it. We took our seat newt the back and I just looked out the window the whole time while Lyssey, being a little girl, was singing a song it went kinda like this

flowers in the field
oh so beautiful.
One as strong as the other
just like the ones before
standing their ground-

Wow. that was a rather weird song.

"Public Library!" yelled the old bus driver. As we got out of the bus we said thank you and bolted into the library. Not many people were there, today we decided to go to the second level. We walked up the stairs and took a seat in in a big ol' comfy sofa. Lyssey picked out a 'My Little Pony' book and I took out mine. I was so excited to read it. I turned to the first page. It was the tile page, then I flipped to the next page, copyright page, next page, table of contents, next page, dedication page, next page, chapter 1. I sat back in the chair and began to read.

Tell us where the map is or Jessica will die.

Wtf? I never thought something could go this far with my past. I read on.

You will never find the map, Zen. you can wait all our life but you will never find it.

What are you saying?

Oh my god. I was ready to break down into tears.

We hid it. But firts, Where us our daughter, we know you have her and we will rescue her.

Well, I do have her! Wow, The Hiltons do it again?!?

Zen, give me my daughter now.

Ok, on her 17 birthday I will bring her to you, with no trouble as long as you give me EVERYTHING you have ever inherited from your family or else I will personally kill her.

What? But I don't know this man? My Birthday Is In 4 months. Shit. I kept reading.

No, give us her now.

Then it is a guarentee. You will never see her again. I will personally force you to kill her against your will. See you in 17 years. Jessica Hilton will die, not from me, but her mother can take all the credit, her father as well .

And so it was certain that the young innocent spy's daughter will die.




I was in absolute complete shock. I only had 4 months to chanfe my fate for me, my family, and even Lyssey.

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