Chapter 4

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I sat in Calculus, watching as our teacher, Mr. Ra, talked on and on about how he was so proud that we’d all passed out last exam. I rolled my eyes - passed, was the key word. Most of us had gotten C’s, and only one kid in the class had actually gotten an A. My mind was pretty clouded - not so much by the kiss Anthony and I had shared, but by what he had told me.

Anthony had told me the reason he’d tried to kill himself, which was making me think about the second time I’d tried to kill myself. It was the worst, and the reason I was here. I stood up, walking out of the classroom, the thoughts still lingering in my mind. Calculus was my last class of the day, and now, I had nothing to distract myself from the haunting memories. I wrapped my arms around myself, waving hello to a girl called Victoria, who I’d made friends with a little while ago.

Even seeing Victoria made me think of it. Before the incident, before what caused me to be so messed up - I was normal. I could make friends, and talk to people, but then, it happened. Those people - Him. They all ruined me, they made me so broken. The only thing I had to turn to, was dance.

I had stopped eating, doing my homework - doing anything outside of dance. I’d come home, and go straight to our garage, where my step dad had set up a place for me to practice. When I wasn’t in the garage, I was locked up in my bedroom, forcing razors into my wrists as I turned and twisted. I was killing myself. I’d stopped taking my antidepressants, I’d stopped trying to live.

“Anna-Banana?” Richard, my step-dad questioned, pushing my bedroom door open just a bit. I dropped the razor, pulling down the sleeve of my black hoodie immediately.

“Yeah, dad?” I said, trying to make it look like all I was doing was practicing. I practically lived in my point shoes - never stepping down from being on point. No matter how much it hurt me to stay that way, I stayed.

“Dinners ready,” He said, smiling a worried smile at me. He entered the room, and I quickly pushed the razor back under my bed. He studied my room carefully. It was very clean, considering I didn’t do much other than dance and sleep in it, now. That is, if I chose to sleep. Mostly I’d dance until I couldn’t hold myself up any longer.

“Okay I’ll be down in a sec,” I smiled a horribly fake smile. Richard stood his ground, causing me to give up. He’d been doing this a lot recently - checking my room, making me eat. He waited for me as I sat down on my bed, pulling off my point shoes and slipping on a pair of regular slippers. It felt odd, wearing something that wasn’t a point shoe. I followed Richard down the stairs, and into the dining room.

The sent of food hit my nose, and immediately my stomach dropped. I could feel vomit sitting in the back of my throat, though I hadn’t eaten anything that day, something was sitting there, ready to come up. I held my stomach, sitting down at the table across from my mother, grinning at her cynically. I hated my mother - she never supported anything I did, never believed me when I told her what they’d done to me, never done anything for me. She was evil.

Richard and the Devil-Woman served themselves the spaghetti my mom had made, while I sat eating a dinner role she’d laid out. They were probably more for decoration, than actual eating, but I couldn’t bring myself to even attempt to eat the spaghetti.

After eating half of the dinner role, my mother through a fit, and banned me from the dining room. She didn’t even send me out, she straight up banned me from ever entering the room again. I sighed - that was the last straw. I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t live the way I was living anymore. I ran up the stairs, and into my room. I went straight for the one thing that could end it all - my bottle of antidepressants. I smiled an eerily happy smile at them, as I opened the bottle and downed three at a time, laughing a bit as they hit my throat.

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