Chapter 9

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I know I previously said I was gonna make you vote for this chapter but i'm gonna end this story soon, so i wanna finish it. here you go.

vote for and read Cleve Lake


I looked up at Anthony's house - or well, I should say mansion. It was huge, to say the least. I was flabbergasted, at a complete lost for words. Anthony laughed, tapping me on the shoulder and catching my attention once again. I looked over at him, my loss for words still eminent. 

"I can't believe this is your house," I said, my words breathless. He laughed, stepping out of the car and walking around to let me out of the car. I smiled, stepping out and following him into the house. He opened the door for me, instructing me to wait for him on the couch while he fetched his uncle and the others. I nodded, sitting down on the couch and watching as his butler staff carried our bags into the house. There werent many at all, so why he had them get the bags I had no idea.

I thought back to our drive here, and how absolutely horrible it had been. I despised long car rides, and had ever since I'd gotten car sick once when I was five. 

~~~~Flash Back~~~~~

"I hate long car rides," I said through gritted teeth. Anthony laughed, as we drove through the never ending dessert. I groaned.

"You need to enjoy the little thing in life, Annie," Anthony said, the corners of his lips still turned up in a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"OOH, LOOK AT THE PRETTY SAND, AND THE PRETTY ROCKS, AND THE PRETTY TUMBLE WEED, OH, AND WE CAN'T FORGET THE PRETTY SAND," I mocked, narrowing my eyes at Anthony. He rolled his eyes, turning back to the road. I rolled my eyes, groaning and turning my attention to all the pretty sand. 


Anthony, two men and a young woman walked into the room, and I jumped to my feet.

"Paps, Uncle Joe, Bridget, this is Annie," I smiled at them. Anthony's lips turned up into a smile, the rest of his family doing the same. First, the young woman walked up to me, pulling me into a hug. Her face was so happy and calm - it surprised me in a way. 

"I'm Tony's cousin," The girl, Bridget, said. I smiled at her, before moving on to meet the other two people. First, the younger of the two men, who I assumed was uncle Joe, extended his hand shook mine. He looked me up and down before looking over at Anthony with an approving smile. I blushed, moving on to the last man. This man looked the most like Anthony, his face warm and wrinkled, his eyes just as blue as Anthony's.

"I'm Jim, Anthony's grandfather," The man said, before pulling into a hug of his own. I returned the favor - this family was a big bunch of huggers. He released me from my hug, and told me that I looked tired and should probably have Anthony take me up to our room so I could sleep. I nodded, following Anthony up a large flight of stairs. 

We entered a large room, that was about the size of the master bedroom of my place back home - this did not make me miss my mom in the least, but I did miss my step dad. I plopped onto the bed, curling up with one of the random decrative pillows.

"Be ready at midnight," Anthony said, his face seeming serious. I nodded, quickly setting an alarm on my cell phone before drifting off to sleep.


I awoke with a jult as my phone not only buzzed, but rang rather loudly as well. I groaned, sitting up and making myself aware of my surroundings. I remembered then that I was in Anthony's grandfather's house, and that I was to meet him in the ballroom at midnight. I walked out of the room and down the stares, where, as expected, he stood waiting for me paciently. I walked up to him, planting a kiss on his lips. He held me close to him longer than normal, though I didn't object, I love the feel of his lips against mine. They made me feel so at home. 

"I have a story to tell you, but we have to down to the perfect place," He said, his tone rather serious. I nodded, following him out onto the back patio and down toward the large deep blue colored lake. I looked out at the water, the moon sending a beautiful shimmer of light down upon it. I breathed in the cool night air, resting my head on Anthony's shoulder.

"My aunt killed my sister when I was around 13," He started, "She stabbed her twelve times in the chest, and then once in the head. I watched the entire thing, and before I could do anything, she stabbed herself. I know I've probably told you a lot of different stories before but," He stopped, taking a breath, "But that's the truth. Shit happens, I guess," He finished, shrugging. I stayed silent for a while. 

"That's scary," Was all I could say.

"Yeah," He laughed, looking down at me, "I love you Annabelle," He whispered before planting a kiss on my lips. I returned the kiss. He seemed okay - which worried me, but yet - I was so stupid. I said nothing.

"I love you Anthony," I replied.

"Go back home," He said, "You need sleep." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But I-" He stopped me by kissing me once more. I sighed, standing and making my way back toward the house.

"I'll love you forever, Anthony," I said, turning back to look at him one last time.

"I'll love you forever, Annabelle," He responded.

That's how the love of my life died. The next morning he was found dead, hanging from one of the trees in the forest near the lake. I was sent back to the camp that same day, a plane taking me home rather than the bus, or even better, in Anthony's car, with him driving us back. He didn't leave a note for any of us to read - though, thinking back on it, he took the time to speak to all of us. 

After I got back to the camp, aunt Caroline picked me up, and I was sent to yet another teen help rehabliation center, though at this one, I was able to return to my home - my home with aunt Caroline. Anthony never leaves my mind, the picture of his beautiful blue eyes may have faded, and the sound of his voice may not be as fresh to my mind as before, but I will never forget him. I promised him I'd love him forever, and I will.

We found love in a hopeless place. 

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