Chapter 6

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<------------- 10 VOTES TILL NEXT CHAPTER. 

“Close your eyes and I’ll kiss ya,” Anthony hummed.

“Tomorrow I’ll miss ya,” I responded, giggling a bit, adjusting myself my seat. I’d set up a little desk area in the stable for Anthony and I to use when our roommates, AKA his roommate, was being annoying. He rolled his eyes - it was technically my fault that he was singing the song, but it was just so cute that I couldn’t turn it off. He looked over at me with a hate filled glare, realizing only then that I had in fact gotten the song stuck in his head.

“Remember I’ll always be true?” I question, batting my eyelashes playfully. He rolled his eyes, turning back to the pregnant mare we’d been put on constant watch, over.

I turned back to the letter I’d been writing to Aunt Caroline. We’d promised to write each other while I was here, though technically none of us had really initiated the letter writing. I focused on the pen in my hand, tapping it against the empty sheet of paper. It was eleven thirty in the evening, and I’d dreadfully hoped that this day would bring inspiration to my writing, but nothing came.

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair, “THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!” I crowed, pouting as Anthony paced across the floor, laughing at my frustations. I glared at him - only he would find enjoyment in his girlfriend’s misfortune.

“You talk too much,” Effy groaned from the bed she’d made in the loft - they’d put her on horse watch as well, but so far she’d done more sleeping than watching. I looked up at her, sticking my tongue out, and then back at my letter.

“Dear Aunt Caroline (And Uncle Dan, and Amy, Richard, if you’re all reading this as well,)

Things are strange here - I’m not so sad anymore, though, I’m not so happy either. I’ve made good friends, though. One, my roommate, her name is Rose. She’s really pretty, and loud, and fun. We had a dance party last night in our cabin just the two of us. (OH YEAH! We have cabins, not dorms here. Odd, right!?) The other friend, is part of our foursome of bad asses, Amber. Amber has a boyfriend who’s name is Declan - he’s really nice, though they fight a lot, I know he means well. He’s Anthony’s best friend,” I paused, looking at the door as Rose, Amber and Declan walked in the door.

“I predict the future!” I whispered, covering my mouth and hoping nobody had heard me. Thankfully, nobody as much as looked at me - at least, not for a few minutes. Declan walked over, sitting on the desk in front of me.

“Excuse me fat ass, you’re on my paper,” I dead-panned, not able to hold back the smile that quickly formed on my lips. He laid back on the desk, making a sort of snow angel on it. I rolled my eyes, pushing him off onto the floor, and laughing in victory as he landed with a thud.

I went back to my letter then, as Anthony did his best to “discipline” me, and Amber laughed her ass of at the broken Declan.

“You’ll hear about Anthony later in my letter though - right now we’re talking about my friends. Effy is the last of my epic group of friends, she’s a little bit out there, but we love her. Then there’s Athony,” I smiled at the paper, looking up at Anthony as he laughed with Declan and Rose. I grinned, “He’s my best friend here - he’s my boyfriend. And, Richard, I know this may scare you (You too, Danny boy,)” I drew a winky face here, laughing at myself a bit, “But I think I love him.

Love, Annie.”

Now, you may think that was a strange place to cut off a letter - but hey, nobody ever taught me how to properly write a letter. Okay, that was a lie, but truth be told I just wanted to be done writing so I could talk to my friends. I jumped up, running over and jumping on Anthony’s back, causing him to fall forward. We all laughed - even Effy, who’d finally graced us with her presence.

A few hours later, the mare still hadn’t given birth, but Rose had gotten us all a six pack of red bulls her mom had sent, so that meant we would be able to overly enjoy the entire night. I laughed, downing another huge gulp of the disgusting drink. I rested my head on Anthony’s shoulder, nodding my head toward the clock. We’d all written a schedule, on who would be able to leave the barn when - considering if we locked ourselves in the godforsaken barn, I surely would have gone insane. I looked at Anthony, smiling happily.

“It’s our turn,” I said, shrugging. He arched his eyebrow, looking at the clock.

“So it is,” he said, standing and linking his arm with mine, “peace out home skillet bitches,” He said, making his way out of the barn, our arms still linked. I laughed, stepping out into the cold night air, the slight drizzle of rain hitting my face gracefully.

I looked up at the sky, there weren’t that many clouds, but yet somehow the rain still fell. I breathed in a deep breath - I considered going back and taring up my old letter, and writing on this moment, and this moment only.

I suddenly saw a flash, and out of complete instinct hit the deck, covering my head to hide from what I was almost positive was lightning. Then, another flash happened, and Anthony laughed hysterically. I looked up from my cover, to see him doubled over laughing.

“Excuse me sir, you are going to die if the lightning hits you,” I deadpanned, standing up and brushing myself off like I wasn’t scared at all. He stood up, catching his breath. I rolled my eyes as I noticed the camera in his hands - the flash wasn’t lightning, it was the damn camera on his phone.

“I hate you,” I seethed, walking past him back into the barn. I stomped in, only to be jumped by Amber.

“YOU THINK DECLAN AND I ARE A CUTE COUPLE? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH,” She screamed, jumping up and down, arms still hooked around me. My eyes widened - they’d read my letter? I pushed Amber off of me.

“YOU READ MY LETTER!?” I screamed, obvious anger on my face. “FUCK-” I was cut short by the inaudible sound of what sounded like a horse giving birth. Which, ironically, was what was actually happening. Everybody looked at each other, not exactly knowing what to do.

Out of nowhere, Anthony and Declan jumped into action, Amber and myself running to get water wherever the water was, considering that’s what they always do in the movies.

Now - considering this is my story, and that if you’re reading it you are similar to me in one way or another, I am not going to force you to sit through the excrutiating detail that is horse birth. But I will say, that there was a lot of blood, and that Declan fainted, which I will never stop laughing at.

We all left the barn after the vet arrived - much to Rose’s dismay, because for whatever reason she was sure the baby horse was her soul mate. I held the door open Anthony as we walked into our cabin, literally too lazy to even step out of my “uniform.”

“Holy shit it’s four in the morning,” Rose sighed, rolling into her own, overly large bed. Anthony rolled into bed next to me, kissing my cheek.

“The thing you wrote about me in your letter,” He said, smiling against my skin, “I liked it.” He laughed, making himself comfortable.

I groaned, running my fingers through his hair, “Shut up, Anthony.”


hey guys! :3 I’m sorry this chapter sucked, it was kind of a filler chapter. BETTER CHAPTERS TO COME.

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