Chapter 1

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Note* Hi! I havent been on Wattpad in a while so bear with me while I write this, cuz im a little out of touch with my writing part :)


I Think I Love You

Copyright ©Dahlia Harris

All Rights Reserved

*Caseys POV*

The first thing I notice about her is her eyes.

The girl who walks into the classroom has startling green eyes, and for some reason, I can't look away. Mr. Canberry comes in behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Class, this is Alys--um... Ally. She is coming from another district, so try  to be courteous." The girl gives a wide smile, clutching her books tightly under her arm. I try to stop staring at her, but she catches me watching her before I can. The other students whisper to each other, like we're back in fourth grade instead of tenth.

The girl looks around for a place to sit, which isint hard because  there are a lot of empty seats. Theres a field trip for all the Spanish classes to a fancy Mexican restaurant.

One of those empty seats is next to me. Mr. Canberry clears his throat after a moment.

"Alyssa, can you find a seat please?"

She shrugs as if she couldnt care less and comes my way. She is wearing a short light blue dress that sways as she makes her way over.

I'm sweating. What is wrong with me? Shes just a new student. I steal a glance behind me at my boyfriend,  Jerry. His eyes are unfocused and bleary; I know he was sleeping. I smile to myself and try not to pay any mind as Ally plops her books on the desk next to me and sits down. But I'm blushing. Whoa, slow down lesbo, my mind teases. But it's hardly a joke. I dont like girls like that.


*Alyssas POV*

I walk into the classroom, with the bald teacher close behind. He starts to speak to the class. There arent many students, but they titter and whisper amongst themselves when they see me.

Except one girl. She's sitting in the middle of the room, just staring at me. I look back at her but then flit my eyes in the other direction. God, she's beautiful. Her blonde hair is streaked with blue, and i cant help but think of Leahs hair that was almost the same. I look back at the teacher.

"Ally, can you find a seat please?" he was saying, like that would be difficult. My cheeks redden, but I shrug confidently as if I couldnt care less. I see an empty seat next to the girl who was staring at me, and walk towards it.

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