Meeting The Sanity Wall

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* Author's note : Okay so the voices in Ash's head talk to him. They are Shade, Damien and Himself. Shade is the weird looking text. Damien is bold and italic. Ash is just italic. Also warning Ash swears a lot.*

Ash's POV

Į wøņđęř wħąţ ţħę ņęw ğųąřđ wįłł şmęłł łįkę ?
Shade no one cares about that.
Yeah we only care what he tastes like.
I chuckle at my thoughts. My personalities and I get along some of the time. Shade is the one who is typically sad and fucked up all the time. Damien is angry, anxious and fucked up. Me, Ashton, I am all of the above at once.

Ţħąţ Jøşħ įş ą ğąįņţ wųşş.
That is the first true thing you have said all day Shade.
Guys I think the new guy is coming in.
I watch him go straight to the desk with his head down. I never had one do that before. All the guards would either immediately look at me or yell at me.

Ţħįş įş řęfřęşħįņğ.
I think he might just be a scaredy cat. Guys what should we do? Ţąłk ţø ħįm ? I shrug and get up and walk until I am right in front of him. Only the fucking glass separating us.

He looks up and gasps. He is kind of cute. Ash get a grip. I shake my head and grin maniacally. At this he gulps. Į ţħįņk ħę ņøţįçęđ øųř ţęęţħ. "Do you like my teeth?" I growl at him.

He pales at the question. "Uh.....uh.... I-I d-don't w-want a-any t-t-rouble."
Okay he is cute when he stutters.
"It was just a question. And I expect an answer." I say clearly annoyed.
"S-s-sor-r-ry. I-I...uh.. You're teeth are pretty cool actually" he mutters.

"Well thanks. I think. Anyway what is your name. I don't wanna keep calling you new guy." I state. He looks clearly shocked that I am not annoyed anymore." I am Nico." He says with a bit more confidence than before.

Ţħįş ğųy įş ą břąvęř øņę ţħąņ ţħąţ wųşş Jøşħ. I think for a moment before I say " You're a lot braver than that moron Josh. You also appear smarter than Neil." He looks baffled for a few seconds. Goddamnit he is cute when he is confused.

I begin to realise that we are slowly falling for this guy. I feel slightly sorry for the poor sap.

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