Showing Him What My Teeth Are For.

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Ash's POV

I feel him pin my hands to the wall. Ever since he said he was afraid of me, I lost all of my minds. We are pathetic excuses of a human being. We aren't worth the oxygen. Ğųyş ħę įş ţøųçħįņğ ųş wįłłįņğły...

As I hear and register this, I slowly turn to face him. He looks determined to stop me from hurting myself. Let's show him what we use our teeth for. If I can't hurt myself, I'll just have to hurt the one stopping me. Ğųyş łęţ'ş ąşk ħįm ţħřęę qųęşţįøņş fįřşţ.

So I begin with , "Why are you stopping me if you are afraid of me?" He looks shocked that I spoke so lowly but replies "Because I don't want people to suffer the way I did." That got my attention but I asked the next question regardless. "Do you know how long I have been trapped in this display case? Never seeing the light of day?" He looks down as he says " You have been in here since you were 5 years old. You have been locked up for 12 years without seeing the sunlight."

I grinned at him. Ħę įş řęąłły şħøřţ.  Well of course we are a giant. Towering in at 6'5. I would guess he is about 5'10. Now for the last question. I break his grip on my hands and force him to look at me.

Once his eyes are firmly on my face I ask with a maniacal grin, "Lastly do you know why my teeth are razor sharp?" He shakes his head nervously. My grin widens, "How about I show you?" He looks absolutely terrified but nods regardless.

I flip our position that he is pinned to the glass. I lean down to his shoulder and whisper " I won't kill you....yet" I sink my fangs into his left shoulder before he can process what I said.

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