Confronting The Cannibal.

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The next day.

Ash's POV.

I couldn't get any sleep , not that I do anyway. I spent the whole night thinking about that adorable, sweet blooded Nico. His blood is so sweet. Like really. Į wøņđęř įf ħę wįłł bę ħęřę ąğąįņ ąfţęř wħąţ ħąppęņęđ yęşţęřđąy. He looked really mad when he left.

I get interrupted by a door slamming loudly. I sit up startled and ready to fight whoever it was. I calm down when I see the familiar chocolate eyes. "Hey sweet cake" I greet as I get up and cross my room. He sighs and says "Morning psycho."

I frown. Đįđ ħę şęřįøųşły jųşţ çąłł ųş pşyçħø?? That cheeky lil.... I block them out and stand against the glass wall. He is smiling which means he isn't being an ass. Or maybe he is.... I really don't know.

I notice that his arm is bandaged and that he has a clean tank top on. I decide to be the cheeky one. Or is it the fucked up one? Either way. "How is your shoulder feeling , sweet cake?" He chuckles and looks at me. "Actually it is great. We have to talk about that anyway."

Oh shit. My blood runs cold but my smirk that I always wear doesn't falter. "So what do you wanna talk about?" He was pacing around the room. "I want to know why you bit me." I look at his pacing form before shaking my head. He stops pacing and picks up something from the desk.

My eyes widen and my smirk drops. For the first time in years it isn't replaced by my grin or frown. It is replaced with a look of shock. I run to the door and grip the handle tightly. He glares at me and starts telling me to let go. I shake my head, "There is a motion sensor on the door. If you open it the moron of the year will come storming in."

He seems to realise that the only way we can talk in private is through the glass. He sighs and sits in the same spot as yesterday. "Ash please start from the beginning please. I want to understand you." So starts my long story of how I am the way I am and why......

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