Chapter 5

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Author's Notes: Hey, guys! Guess what?? NO WARNINGS!! But I do want to take this opportunity to get your opinions since it will very obviously up the rating if I include it. I'm no where near the part where this would be relevant, but I was wondering if you think I should write out the smut when I get there or just keep it to the imagination to keep this story PG-13? I'm indecisive because a part of me thinks writing it out would add to the depth of the relationship, but then another part of me just thinks it would be gratuitous. So idk, it's up to you guys. I could go either way, but I want to do what the majority thinks would suit the story better. Thanks for your help! And I hope you enjoy the chapter! <3

   Apart from the first one, David and Joshua didn't have any other classes together. David found that disappointing. If he had his way, he would have been in all of Joshua's classes so he could tagalong with him without necessarily feeling like a tagalong. But Joshua was brilliant when it came to science and math, and his schedule reflected this. When it came to those subjects, David was mediocre at best. Joshua did act like a tour guide, however, meeting him after class and walking him to the next one, so there were no more fiascos of getting lost in the oversized school.

    David suffered through American History, Math, and Spanish before he got the reprieve of lunch. Kalel's boyfriend Anthony had been in his Spanish class, but David didn't go sit by him or even address him in any way beyond a single nod of recognition before claiming a seat in the back row. Anthony's wasn't a world David wanted to mess with -- the structure of a popular kid that may have been his ticket to the in crowd if he wanted to leech on Anthony's status and use their mutual connection to Kalel to his advantage. But it wasn't where David belonged and he knew it just from his encounter with Joshua in the morning.

    He was grateful when the bell rang because he honestly couldn't take another verb conjugation. When David left the class, he half expected Joshua to be waiting for him, but he was no where to be found. It wasn't too big of a deal, though. David knew where the cafeteria was from his impromptu tour around school earlier when he passed it like five times in search of the English classroom. He could make it without Joshua's guidance. He wandered down the steps and around the corner, merging with the filtering herd of hungry students. Once inside, he left the crowd and stood at the edge of the cafeteria, scanning the many tables for the familiar Batman shirt he'd come to identify Joshua by.

    David saw him standing at the opposite end of the cafeteria, closest to the row of tables by the oversized windows. As he started to approach, though, he noticed Joshua looked agitated and upset -- his arms gesticulating frantically at the group seated before him. When David got closer, he saw the group happened to be the same three douchebags from the morning. David moved even closer and heard the tail end of the conversation.

    "C'mon, Jesse! You know I always sit here!" Joshua motioned to the seat. "Always."

    "Yeah?" Jesse appeared well aware, popping a tater tot in his mouth as he looked at the others and chewed obnoxiously. " we're sitting here. So you can just go find another spot."

    "You know I can't!" Joshua protested mournfully.

    "That's your problem, isn't it?" He laughed at the apparent distress he was causing, and that was it for David.

    He didn't know what spurred him into action, but he suddenly lashed out -- grabbing Jesse by his fancy school jacket and ripping him from his chair with surprising strength. Jesse's buddies got up in shock, exchanging glances and unsure if they needed to get involved. David, in the meantime, kept his tone low and threatening, fisting Jesse's collar, "Didn't you hear him? Move your ass before I hand it to you. Because you don't fuck with crazy people."

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