Chapter 30

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Author's Notes: Ahaha, um....hi? *sheepish* So I know it's been a long time since I updated this. The GOOD news is I have written ten more chapters since I updated last and I will try to get them uploaded over here ASAP! Or if you're impatient, you can go to (same username) where they're all posted already. I prefer posting there just because it's easier -- the writing program I use will directly upload there whereas here I have to copy and paste and then go through and put in all the italics manually on Wattpad (pain in the butt, I tell ya!) But I figured there are some readers who prefer this platform, so it's unfair to leave the story hanging over here when I accomplished so much over there. I apologize for seeming to abandon ship, and I hope you enjoy. <3

David staggered away from the bathroom, feeling hollow and empty. How could he break up with the guy he loved? It was stupid of Melanie to give him that ultimatum. Of all the people to overhear what he and Kalel were talking about, why did it have to be her? Maybe if David hadn't followed Kalel into the bathroom in the first place, none of this would have happened. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. There was plenty of time to figure this all out. Maybe if he could get to Kalel and convince her to talk to Anthony, or even tell her what Melanie had said to him, he could squash this before it turned into anything that would hurt them all in the long run.

He saw Kalel and Anthony standing near the entrance to the auditorium, Kalel holding the bouquet of roses in her hand while she wrapped her arms around Anthony's shoulders, standing in his embrace. He saw as Anthony burrowed his face in her hair, murmuring warm reassurances as she sobbed against him. And as David watched them, he felt as though someone had punched him in the gut -- knocking the wind from his lungs. Kalel and Anthony belonged together. They had a history and a future together. It wasn't within David's right to do anything to jeopardize that. Kalel wouldn't be able to handle the stress of Melanie knowing about this on top of everything, and what if Anthony did leave her if he found out about her pregnancy? Would she have to suffer alone with or without a baby on the way? 

The only thing he could do was be a supportive brother. The only way he could do that was to relinquish his own happiness so Kalel had a chance as hers. 

David didn't even notice when Anthony spotted him, or that he and Kalel had rushed to his side until he felt their hands on his shoulders. It took them a few times to repeat the question before he actually heard it come from Anthony, "David! Are you okay?"

He shook out of his thoughts, "I-I...I'm fine. Sorry to make you worry. I'm just feeling pretty light-headed from not eating in so long." David was the master of lying away his panic and anxiety. It came from years of experience.

"Then we should go to the diner," Ian's voice rose up behind them as he came out of the bathroom.

David's blood went cold and he didn't even want to look at Ian. He clamped his lips together and nodded, keeping his eyes on his shoes.

Joshua came back from the snack table with a few chocolate chip cookies in a bag, "Hey, does anyone want these? I kind of did until the person working there decided to pick them up with her bare hands. And then I just couldn't stop from thinking about how much money she touched, and how dirty money is, and the thought of putting them in my mouth is pretty revolting."

"I think David could use them..." Kalel regarded him in concern for a lingering moment before going over to Josh and taking the cookies, pushing them into David's hands.

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