Chapter 20

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Author's Notes: Raaandom question, but what are your thoughts on threesomes? Yay? Nay? lol I can't shake this idea of possibly having Ian and David have a threesome with Joven. lol but if everyone is against it, at least for this story, I won't go ahead and do it! Usual warnings apply -- I don't condone drug use. You should never take prescription medication without a prescription for it.

    The lunch time bell rang, and David stopped by his locker to deposit his books. He expected Ian to meet him there, so he was a little disappointed when he didn't. It was silly to even be disappointed at all when he would see him in a matter of moments, but if David had a rational mind, he wouldn't have a stockpile of medication. He closed the locker door and was surprised when he saw Iris on the other side of it, leaning against the row of lockers and looking up at him with a smile.

    "I missed you yesterday..."

    "Oh...? Yeah, sorry. I had a lot going on," he rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, and she took that opportunity to sidle closer.

    "You know, David, I'm normally not so forward, but it's been weeks now. And maybe you haven't noticed, but I like you."

    I've noticed. I've more than noticed. If she gets any closer, I'm gonna have to flatten myself against the locker and pray I disappear into it. "R-really? But why would you?" Even though he knew he should have diffused the situation right away, he was genuinely curious why someone like Iris would have a thing for him. It wasn't like he was incredibly interesting, or cool, or attractive, or any of those things that made people popular.

    "You're different. And you have so many sides to you. The side that goes out of his way to befriend someone who doesn't have any friends, even if he was ungrateful and pushed you away. You also stood up to Jesse a few times, and that takes guts since he doesn't go anywhere without his two pals. And then let's face it. You have the most piercing, intense stare, and I find it so hot," she inched closer and closer until she was practically on him -- body pressed to his, hand wandering his chest.

    David gulped. In spite of himself, he did enjoy the contact. But he had to put an end to this, "Iris..." he began, putting his hands on her shoulders and putting some breathing room between them. It was easier to think this way. "You're a sweet girl, and I have no doubt we would have been together if I hadn't met someone else first. I'm sorry, but I'm already in a relationship."

    Iris stared at him in shock before stammering, "W-who is she?" In those few seconds, she must have gone through all the girls she ever remembered seeing David interact with because she blurted out. "Is it Kalel? Are you seeing her on the side? Well, that's fine! I can be your girlfriend while she stays with Anthony, and I don't mind if you keep your fling going..."

    "No. Kalel's my stepsister, it's not like that..."

    Her eyes filled with tears, and at this point David realized she genuinely liked him. It wasn't just a teenage lust fueled by an attraction. She legitimately and desperately clung to the hope they would be together. "Then who?"

    David felt bad for her. It was horrible to have this much power to crush someone's world and reduce them to tears. "Ian."

    Her brows furrowed in confusion, not sure she heard him right, "Ian?"

    "Ian," he confirmed.

    Shock and disgust mingled on her face as she separated from him completely, "Why? That guy's a mess. He's nothing but trouble. Why would you willingly get involved with him? Aren't you smarter than that?"

    "Sometimes smarts and logic have nothing to do with who you fall for, I'm afraid," David offered a sympathetic smile. "I'm a mess, too. So you're better off finding someone else."

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