Chapter 26

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Author's Notes: Sorry it's been taking me a while to update this story. I'm starting to lose my steam for it, tbh. I think it's really just that I have so FAR to go to reach the end, and I don't feel like I'm making any progress. I might put it on hiatus and write something else in the meantime, but IDK. Anyway, this chapter contains Ian being a bad don't do as Ian would do, lol. And other than that, I hope you enjoy it!

After sharing his pizza with Matt and briefing him on the whole messed up situation with Kalel, they unwound for a couple of hours, battling each other in videogames. While David pretty much had a flawless record against Joshua, Matt was a different story. He was a hundred times better than him, and the rare few times David actually beat him, Matt would throw down his controller in frustration and pin the blame on something else -- like a glare on the tv or his leg cramping up. Eventually, Matt got completely fed up, tossing the controller down for good.

"Let's do something else."

David laughed, "Can't handle the pressure, can you? Alright, alright. We'll do something else. What'd you have in mind?"

Matt rolled his eyes, but chose not to comment to the first part. Instead, he strained to look out the window, "That's Mari's room right across, yeah?"

Slight embarrassment flooded over his face, ", yeah. Yeah it is."

"She should be changing any minute now. Why don't we watch the show?"

"You're welcome to it. I've already been there, seen that, and mopped it up in a tissue afterward."

"TMI, asshole," Matt punched David in the arm before looking up again. "Here she comes! Shut up."

"Why shut up? It's not like you need concentration," David rolled his eyes, grabbing his remote and idly flipping through the channels.

"Because the sound of your voice is detracting from the beautiful scenery. And hello, there goes the top. My, Mari, what nice breasts you have."

David groaned, keeping his focus on the television, "They're small, but perky. I bet they'd be bigger if she actually ate something."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up. You're ruining it!" Matt waved his arm wildly, continuing to watch her for a few more minutes until he turned to David. "When did you get the right to judge other people's problems anyway?"

"I'm not judging. I'm just pointing it out. I mean, I hope I'm wrong. I'd rather be wrong in this situation. Maybe she's just really picky. When I came in last night, she was eating a salad. But I don't know how much and for how long or even if she kept it down afterward. That kind of shit happens to dancers all the time. I just worry there's someone out there telling her she's fat, and she's taking it too far."

"Like Kalel?"

"Maybe taking things too far runs in the family," David frowned at the thought.

"Either way, I'd still hit it," Matt replied resolutely, moving closer to the window as he lit himself a cigarette.

"Which one?"

"Both of them. Mari first, though. And then if I still got it in me to give it to her again after I gave it to Kalel, I would."

A smile broke on David's face and he shook his head, "You're disgusting."

Matt smirked against the filter of his cigarette, but he said nothing -- looking out the window. They lingered in silence until Matt finished his smoke, lifting the broken screen and flicking the butt outside, " got some weed on you? We should smoke up."

David blinked, scratching behind his ear, "I think I do." He got up and searched the drawer until he located the little bag. He tossed it to Matt who caught it with ease. David went into his closet, into the deepest recesses until he dug out a guitar case. The guitar was acoustic and had been given to David in hopes that he would pick up a productive, musical hobby. He never stuck with it, though, but it did come in handy as the perfect hiding place for his bong -- a present from Ian after their first week as an official couple.

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