Chapter seven

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      I've never been on this side of Wonderland before but, I need something and this is the only place they've got it . The only other time I've been here was to dispose of Princess Diana.The Dark Forest. Everything in Wonderland got its name from its appearance was like or a special quality it had. The Dark Forest got its name from its looks . The Dark Forest was an endless maze of towering black ,evergreen ,trees. Darkness engulfed the whole forest ,even in daylight .
               Witches and monsters lived and hid out in here because, nobody would dare go in the Dark Forest. Once you've entered the Dark Forest you never come out.  Some who have come out of the Dark Forest have said that they could a voice following them. But none of them could identify it. But, those were all risks I was willing to take for the Bleeding Rose. The Bleeding Rose is a blood, red rose with black thorns that dripped poison.
              My royal guards wanted to escort me to wherever I was going but, I gave them permission not to. I walked into the Dark Forest and the bright, morning light was gone .All I could really see were the trees . My plans were working out perfectly. A sudden loud purring sound rang through the forest.
         " What's a Queen doing so far from her castle ?"said the silky purring voice. I turned around to see the stranger but, I was greeted with darkness instead. " Who's there ? I demand that you show yourself ." I yelled. " If you say so ."said the voice .
            Two large ,yellow eyes with green pupils popped up in front of my face. I gasped and stepped backwards. His yellow eyes illuminated the Dark Forest. The rest of its body was invisible ,I couldn't even tell if it was human. His curious eyes blinked at me. " Cheshire . I am the Cheshire Cat . How do you? " said the Cheshire Cat his voice rose two octaves higher.
              " Hello . I am Queen RosalieSkye."I said in a meek voice but, in a regal stance.A large toothy smile appeared along with the eyes . " I've heard lots of things about you. And I found it quite coincidental that Queen Cybele died and you were not at the ball that day. And I find it extremely coincidental that you were at the ball that the King was going to be at. " said the Cheshire Cat accusingly.
       Did the cat know? How did he find out? Has he been watching me? Does he have some type of outside source? Was he going to tell someone? Has he already ? Was he going to blackmail me into doing his bidding ? " Listen hear , cat I don't know what you're getting at. But, if you tell a single soul I will skin you alive and wear your fur as a blanket ." I threatened.
         " Don't worry your pretty little head about me . I won't tell anyone. I'm quite fearful of you and your capabilities. But, I have something better in mind . How about I lead you to the Bleeding Roses and out of the forest safe and unharmed." ,he said .
              " How do I know you won't tell anyone ? I don't trust anyone or anything. Your offer sounds to good to be true. You must want something from me." I asked. He smile grew wider and bigger. " Because , I promise not to tell anyone." ,he said.
             " You've been watching me . " I asked in realization. " Ever since the day Queen Cybele killed your parents." A long uproarious laughter exited his mouth " But that my dear is a story for another time. Walk with me know." . I walked as his mouth and eyes floated alongside me .
          " You are quite and extraordinary specimen ,there is much that you are ignorant about. But, as they say ignorance is bliss." ,said the Cheshire Cat . " Well, enlighten me cat . What do I not know? " I said in annoyed manner. " All in good time. Be patient your majesty . But , I do wonder. Do you know about Prophecy Of Magic." he, said.
         I shook my head no. He lips receded into a sly foxlike, smile . " All in good time. " he repeated. I didn't know how long we had walked but, we arrived at our destination when we were done talking. Had he done this somehow. Was he in control of the forest .
          I stared at the thorny ,rosebushes lined  in rows side to side. They were perfect . White roses were all over the place but, the dark red roses stood out from the rest. The fragrant of them instantly reminded me of my mother.
             I quickly put on my red and black gloves and grabbed as many red roses as I could. Then ,I realized that the Cheshire cat wasn't  talking to me anymore. I turned my head around and saw only darkness.
         Where did he go? Was he ever here in the first place or was he just a figment of my imagination. How was I going to  get out of the forest? " Were you looking for me ?" I jumped back as the Cheshire Cats toothy,smile appeared in front of my face . " You said something about letting me leave out of the Dark Forest unharmed." I said in a dignifying manner.
             " Ah,yes. That reminds me I have a proposition for you. " said the Cheshire Cat. I walked while his toothy ,grin guided me. " What is it? " I asked in a causal manner. "  I have no control over what happens in the future. The future I know is gory and painful and most of that gory and pain is caused by you. So all I ask is that you keep me off your 'to kill' list. I'll even give you a heads up but, only if your nice." said the Cheshire Cat in a dramatic voice.
           How did the Cheshire Cat know about this ? I have no time to think a about this. Why must I always be so indecisive . " It's a deal. " I said . The Cheshire Cats toothy yellow grin grew wider. " Excellent.",he hissed. " So does that mean your on my side ? " I asked . I could use an ally . " Sorry, your majesty on not on anybody's side. I was just trying to ensure my safety. " said the Cheshire Cat slyly.
        Before, I could respond the Cheshire Cats smile disappeared into green ,sparkles that soundlessly ,evaporated. The blinding bright ,morning light of April quickly ,surrounded me. " Remember my Queen : for as much as much blood that she as shed her hair will become red. " said the Cheshire Cats voice.
             What did that even mean? I guess I wasn't going to find out anytime soon. Hopefully.
                    His wine . I poured the poison from the Bleeding  Roses prickly ,thorns into his wine . All I needed to do was wait for the maid to ring him his wine. We laid together in his ruby ,red bed. I stared admiringly into his cool blue, eyes . He returned the look back. " You are amazing. I am lucky to have you as my Queen." he said as he leaned in closer .
           My face began to heat up and my heart began to thud ,wildly . My eardrums almost burst from the loud thumps coming from my heartbeat. It seemed like the whole world started going in slow motion as he leaned down and tenderly kissed me. Was I really about to kill a man who brought me this much joy? Maybe I  could tell the maid to not give him his wine. A soft knock erupted into the room.
          My husband swung off the bed and furrowed his eyebrows in aggravation . What was I thinking? These are the prices you have to pay for power. Even love. I hadn't even realized that the King had already gotten his wine until he appeared in front of me. He was grinning like a court jester ,which only made my heart beat faster for him.
            He really did make me weak. His golden wine glass with multiple colored jewels embedded around it ,was raised high in the air. "A toast, to the most beautiful and graceful woman in all of Wonderland. " the King said as he raised the cup to his pink lips and took a long thirst fulfilling gulp . For a mere moment I thought I should've stopped him. Maybe I could've given him the option of handing over the crown to me.
             But it was to late now . I felt no remorse for him only sorrow. He could have learned to love me for the way I was. He could have secretly felt the same way too. I laid there with with a false smile plastered on my face. He never could've understood me . No one could. He put both of his arms on opposite sides of my head and began to kiss me. " You and I will rule the kingdom. Side by side. Just you and me ",he said in between breaths .
              " Sorry darling . I don't think I could do that." I said wickedly. He stopped kissing me and stared at me wide-eyed in confusion . An evil ear to ear grin spread across my face as the groaned and fell backwards in pain. The door was already locked so I didn't have to worry about any wandering maids barging into the room. Bullets of sweat ran down his face as he screamed in agony. I don't know why but, this whole scenario was exhilarating.
      The Bleeding Roses were slowly injecting poison into his body , the poison was puncturing holes into his organs. I was enjoying every second of this. " I'm sorry.Im not really .Im glad I'm doing this I'm saving Hearts from a weak King.You are a terrible leader.You fall in love with every woman with a pretty face.I need this crown. You would only get in my way. " I said my voice filled with venom . " If it makes you feel any better I really did enjoy your company."
        The King started convulsing his breathing started coming in gasps. His skin was now pale and was covered in huge black veins from the neck down. His blue eyes were dull and still. His once moving chest was frozen in place. Black blood was oozing from his black veined, lips . A wave of shock ran through me but, it was quickly erased with with feeling of determination.
                    Here starts my reign as the queen of wonderland. The one and only true ruler of wonderland. Here starts my reign as Queen Rosalina. No. The Queen of Hearts.
              The wake was quiet and depressing.But I didn't shed a single tear . Some people threw me suspicious glances while others offered me their condolences. Many cried in the passing of there King . Others panicked because they feared we were under attack. Some even thought it was me but, they had no proof. I wore my favorite colors to the burial (red and black) .
           Except. For the maid I asked to bring him his wine . But, she could easily be taken care of. No one is going to ruin this for me.
       I sat here in my newly decorated throne . The outside of it was made of gold. I had the worker engrave : Queen of Hearts into its back. It's strong fat golden legs didn't wobble or move. My favorite part of the whole throne was the red and black checkered print on the inside of it. It made me feel like I had some type of regalia ,it made me feel important . And it was all mine.
              I even decided to redo the whole castle. I wanted this castle to feel like home. I had the workers paint the whole castle red and black. The 51 rooms in the castle,were painted red and black.  Red and Black. Red and Black.They symbolize all my life lessons. Red is for bloodshed , reign, and victory. Black is death, pain , and suffering.
All of these things make you stronger. I guess that's why they're my favorite.
              I looked around my throne room and stared at my red walls with big black ,card(heart)symbols on them. I had to kill ,to get where I was now. The red and black checkered floor matched my throne. My new guards came bursting through the red doors that led into the throne room holding the maid in their arms.
               The maids brown frizzy ,hair was torn out of her scalp. Her usual milky face was drenched in dried blood and new sweat. She was taking sharp breathing echoed the whole room. Tears produced from her eyes as I walked up towards her. I stared down at her hatefully. " Why did you kill my husband?"I asked angrily. She stared down at the floor in  response." Look at me when I am speaking to you." I screamed at her .
        I motioned to the guard with the dark red , hair ,black eyes and a chiseled chin to hold her head up roughly. She screamed fearfully while the other guard with black hair , red eyes and dimples to hold out both her arms behind her head. I stared viscously into her olive green eyes " I will ask you once more. Why did you kill my husband?" I said patiently.
        She opened her mouth to say something but, she quickly shut her mouth. I walked around her circled her slowly and ominously. " Then I've reached my verdict. " I said as I walked back toward my throne . I smiled a cruel smile" Off with her head." ,I yelled. Fear built up in the maids eyes as they dragged her by her arms out of the doors. Her hollers could be heard throughout the castle.
            I could get used to this.

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