Chapter eight

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How could this be? It was just one time. " Your majesty. Did you not hear me your with child."said the doctor .
I was just going to the doctors to test if I had caught what my husband died (which I know was a waste of time)an as Queen I was obligated to. Why me? Things were going my way . For once.
" Are you sure." I said as I put my hand on ,his shoulder he moved back slightly. He nodded his head. Ever since word got around of what I did to that maid people are frightened of me. And I love it.
But, what if that baby makes me weak just as its father did. But I do need an heir . What if it turns out exactly like me and tries to overthrow me. What if my it is the lunar opposite from me. What if it doesn't have the same thirst for blood . What if it doesn't love me because of it.
What if my enemies try to use it against me. What if I'm forced to kill it." We must tell the people."I said emotionlessly .
White baby breath , white lilies , white alstroemerias,and white carnations . Those were all the flowers that were at my baby shower. I had gotten so bored I had named them all. The hot July sun was beating down on us and the garden. Women I didn't even know sat at white tables and sipped tea and ate buttered scones.
I sat alone with no company but the baby growing in my stomach.I was bored and surprisingly hungry. A million white clouds were bundled up in the cool blue sky. My half red half black maternity dress was beautiful and graceful . Just at that moment the Rabbit came trudging down the palace steps. " Your majesty. We might have a bit of a problem." said the Rabbit shakily . I turned around and looked down on him " This better be important Rabbit. " I hissed annoyed.
" Quite ." said the Rabbit quietly. I got up from my chair and waddled while followed the Rabbit to the red castle doors. Once we reached the doors the Rabbit opened the doors and bowed his head.I haven't fully grasped the concept of this castle but, to my understanding it takes you to where you want to go.
When the Rabbit and I walked through the doors the place that we arrived at was the throne room . I slowly made my way to my throne. The Rabbit was pacing anxiously on the floor beside me. My two guards came bursting through the door with a intriguingly handsome man in their arms. The Rabbit jumped in surprise. The man had red orange hair. He had one icy blue eye and one light light green eye. It seemed to enhance his pale skin .
His lips were spread into a sly grin. "What do we have here? " said the man his voice low . " You tell me . " I said witty like. " You would never believe me if I told you. Trust me." he said . " Try me." I said challenging him. He rolled his eyes.
" This such a bad idea. Why am I even doing this for a girl I haven't met?" ,he said . I gave him a confused look. " Your majesty have you ever read the Prophecy of Magic?" he said emotionless . My heartbeat sped up . Did he know what the Cheshire Cat knew? Did the Cheshire Cat tell him.
I nodded my head . " The Prophecy of Magic said that there will be a wicked queen who kills others relentlessly, then a savior will come and rescue the people of Wonderland, the saviors name will be Alice and will kill the this Queen with a powerful hand . I have seen the future your majesty and I have reason to believe that you are that Queen." ,he said .
My arms were wrapped maternally around my stomach. He was lying . He had to be lying. Why would this Alice even want to kill me? Is this the future that the Cheshire Cat was talking about?" Lies. Throw him in the dungeon for life." I yelled.
He already had his hands behind his back like he'd been expecting my punishment. My guards roughly took him away. " Rabbit. Go to the rabbit hole know and find out everything you can about Princess Diana . " I shouted . " Princess Diana is dead . Right? " said the Rabbit. " Did I ask you to question me? Here." I handed him a pocket watch " I want you to be back here in 6 hours. If you haven't come back with something useful I'll tell the maids I want to have a feast . And have Rabbit as a main course."
He nodded his head and hopped away frighteningly. Am I really that Queen in the prophecy?
" Princess Diana is with child ." said the Rabbit "I have also heard that if she is to have a daughter that she would name her Alice." . My heart nearly shattered. I was about to die at then end of Alice's sword. " There is more bad news I've also indicated that the child is most likely to inherit some Magical qualities. " said the Rabbit hurriedly.
" We need to take precautions. Rabbit everyday I need you to go to England and check on Princess Diana."I said.I will not take this sitting down. I should've killed her while I had the chance. I will not let that child be my undoing.

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