Chapter 12(cerises point of view)

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         It was cold and quiet as it had usually been. But, I could feel that something amazing was going to happen, today. I heard shouts coming for upstairs. Probably just another maid who looked at my mother in the wrong way . Suddenly ,Red and Black brought down a woman kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs.
               I could barely make out what she looked like because of all of her frequent movements . All I know is she has dirty blonde, hair . They opened the cellar next to mine and roughly threw her in it. Once the guards were upstairs she started crying. " Hello is anyone there?" ,she asked. I don't think she could see me so I turned my gas lamp up some.
           She jumped when she saw my face. " Do you have a phone I could use or could you tell me where I am." she said as she studied my face. Realization dawned on me . It's Alice. It really is Alice. " Your here . Your really here." I said sincerely. She looked at me as if I was insane and nodded."Yes. My names Alice." she clarified sarcastically.
       " We've all been waiting for you." I said happily as I felt around in the darkness for the book. " Who's been waiting for me?" ,she asked confused . She doesn't know. " You have to get out of here . She'll try to kill you . She won't let you take the crown." I explained. She still seemed confused. " You are supposed to be Queen of this realm. It's your birthright. " I said excitedly.
        She stared at me sideways " Me. Queen.Realm. Please tell me I'm dreaming." ,she said sarcastically. " Okay believe or not you are in Wonderland. " ,I said hurriedly. " Like that thing in the movies. " she said. " What are movies?" I asked her . Her eyes grew wide with realization. " Wait, so the queen thinks I'm that 'Alice '?",she said. I shrugged my shoulders. " This is all some big misunderstanding I not a Queen. " she said panicked.
          " Is your mothers name Diana?" I asked kindly. She nodded sadly. " Then, you are Queen. The Queen of Hearts killed your grandmother (Queen Cybele ) to take her crown. But, the queen spared the life of your mother. Thus, you were borne." I explained throughly. " I have no grandmother. I don't even have a mother. I don't care about this place. All I want to do is leave." she shouted at me.
" But, you're Queen you're supposed to lead this people it's your destiny." I said loudly. " Is there anybody else who can take my place ?Does the Queen of hearts have a daughter?",she questioned . " Yes." I said solemnly . " Is she alive? Problem solved." ,she said cheerfully. " I don't want to take that cruel, sadistic , malevolent ,bitch's place. It's bad enough that she put me in here. I refuse to take her throne. I can't kill her . You have to." I yelled furiously.
I could feel my eyes get glassy as ,my compassion quickly began to fade away. She was taken aback by my sudden outburst. She studied me again this time more intently. " What's your name?",she said. I shouldn't really give her my real name." Hunter." I said. "How am I going to get out ?" she asked " Where am I supposed to go?".I brought out the key that I had been saving ever sense I learned she would be queen. " Go to the Mad Hatter. Go through the Dark Forest and he will find you." I instructed. With those words she grabbed the keys through the barred cell and fled the castle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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