Chapter five

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At first I lived in the Wonder Woods . I thought I needed to learn how to survive on my own. I barely lasted a year, I had to succumb to stealing food from other people . Then I met her. Regina . She lived right in the heart of the Wonder Woods.So what if she was a nursemaid
She worked in Queen Cybele's palace. She had taught me how to master posture and perfection. She had taught me grace and poise. She had also taught me how to defend myself. She also taught me about me about my most useful skill:revenge .
Tonight is a perfect night for revenge. Queen Cybele was throwing a ball in celebration of her newborn daughter. It would be a horrible tragedy if the queen were to " accidentally " inhale poison . No, that's to long I need her dead now. But, I do want her to suffer. I wanted her daughter to be motherless.
A small smile grew on blood red lips.I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was absolutely gorgeous . I looked exactly like my mother. Maybe even better. All I want to do is stare at my lovely features .
Later. There will be time for that later . I straightened out my silk white gown . I put my to long black hair into a bun. Just don't draw any attention to yourself and you'll be find. I drew a deep breath and walked out of the door. Snow sprinkled through the air like a snow globe. The night sky was dark and cloudless . The cold air hit my uncovered skin.
I walked carefully over the sand with my black boots.I was really going to get what I wanted. How was I going to kill her? I don't know but,it
definitely was going to be gruesome and gratifyingly painful. I could hear the sound of violins playing and laughter of guests up ahead. I quickened my pace because I could tell I was getting closer to the kingdom. The multiple sized evergreen, trees slowly disappeared and turned into a royal blue ,sky with an endless amount of twinkling stars.

Queen Cybele ordered that everyone who attended her daughters birth celebration wear white. Of course white .White was the color of innocence and light. Women dressed in milk ,white ball gowns danced with men dressed in white tailored suits. I estimated that there were at least 200 couples . It appeared like she invited all(the royal families ,the commoners,and the middle classes)to the celebration.Snow lightly sprinkled down on the party, illuminating the scenery .
The sounds of laughter and glasses of wine clinking, filled the air. The garden that the party was being held was covered in green shrubs with fresh white lilacs blooming from them.Violinists dressed head to toe in white ,played slow classical music in front of the castle. I'd never seen the castle before.
I've only heard stories about it but, I could never tell what was true and what was false. But,what I saw before my was a magnificent sight of beauty. The white brick towers with blue tops were as tall as a the Wonder Woods trees. The whole castle was as white as a rose. In the middle of the tower were two blue doors.One was average sized the other was short and miniature.
I made my way through the crowd searching for the Queen. I tried my best to stay inconspicuous and hidden the crowd. "The Queen won't be seeing anyone else tonight but, your more than welcome to stay for the party."said a voice that sounded like it was in the middle of being hoarse. I looked over the crowd to see a white rabbit standing on its hind legs in front of the small blue door. 
The rabbit was about only a foot tall. The rabbit shaking like he'd just been scolded at.He wore gold spectacles that sat on the tip of his light, pink nose. His eyes were wide and bright green with tiny flecks of silver . His back was hunched in a almost cowardly way. That must've been the Queens adviser.
The rabbit hopped away his hunch disappeared as he did. He left the tall powder blue door wide open. I felt my lips turn into a grin ,as I cautiously walked to the open door. Thank you Rabbit. I guess it's true when God closes one door he opens another.
She looked down on the guests from her celebration . She stared down at the crowd from her terrace.Her swaddled baby in her arms.
The wind blew her pale blond, hair in  every direction. She was dressed in a silk ,white robe. From this distance she looked like a glowing ball of white light.
  This scene almost made me feel a semblance of -Compassion? No,this woman deserved none of it.
I took a soft ,gentle steps into the room my hands were eager to be coated in her blood.My heart was slamming itself against my rib cage .
The cream colored walls were barely ,seen through the darkness of the night.
And there I waited . My blood boiled seeing the woman who terrorized villages and tore families apart .Just seeing glowing silhouette made me seethe with rage.For so many years this woman had tormented and invaded my nightmares.I could never get away from her she followed in my dreams, could she possibly follow me after death.
Maybe she could feel my anger because ,she stood up so suddenly that it knocked the chair over.Without turning around Queen Cybele apprehensively said ," I'm not seeing any more visitors but, you were more than welcome to stay for the party."
"I'm sorry . I just wanted to see the baby." I said in a thick ,accent .I wanted to revel in this moment for as long as possible.
She turned around slowly her snow white ,face glowed through the darkness. "Do I know you from somewhere?" ,said Queen Cybele in a gentle tone. I inconspicuously pulled out my extra long dagger ,that had been hidden inside my boot. The darkness cloaked the dagger and the very large grin on my face.She walked over to a white bassinet that had been hidden in the corner. " No you don't know me. But, knew my mother.Cerise Martinez." I said menacingly.
She squinted out into the darkness to find my face . I walked a bit closer to her my boots clicking with each step. Her eyes darted to the knife that I gripped tightly in one hand.
She stumbled back but,caught herself on her white wooden ,bedpost. Her eyes glanced toward her daughter. "P-P-Please don't hurt me . I'll do anything. Ill give you all the gold you want just don't hurt me.",whimpered Queen Cybele.
Queen Cybele stood still as stone as I crept taughtingly around her over to Princess Diana who was sleeping soundlessly in her bassinet. Pieces of her blonde hair stuck up from the roots of her head. Her skin was fare and as pale as her mothers .
I bent down and gently picked the baby. I held her in both my arms and rocked her . " Why should I show you mercy? Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't rip this child's throat out and write my name with her blood.  " I asked mockingly.
Tears started to build up in the Queens eyes . " She's just an innocent little baby.Please I'm begging you. Don't harm us." ,the Queen pleaded.Tears were now streaming down the Queens eyes. A feeling of what felt like power surges through me -and I liked it.I had the queen under my command pleading for her life.The more I watched her and saw her quivering like and idiot the more I realized how spineless she really was.
She's not even trying to put up a fight.I mean it was really easy to overthrow her .Hear I was worrying we were going to have a sword fight to the death and I was going to have to kill her really quickly .But,now I'm going to savor it ,now I'm going to have some fun with it.
"Kneel." I hissed ,letting the word rolled off my tongue . Cybele hesitated and began to cry harder .
"Kneel or the child's blood will be spilled on the floor." I said .
I pressed the knife on the baby's throat and smirked .The Queen shakily knelt to her white floor and tilted her head up high .
I set the infant down in her on the bed beside me where she steadily began to cry ,all the while the celebrations were still going on and hearty laughter and wine glasses clinking could be heard.
I never felt so in control in my life .But,now I guess it has to come to an end for the real fun to begin .Queen Cybele stared down at floor,I placed my dagger underneath her chin and brought her head upwards to face me.
Her face was pink from all the tears she shed , but her face stayed stoic as I brought my knife towards her throat. I knew from that very moment when I looked in her eyes I could've stopped then .I could've forgave her and she would've forgave me.This wasn't about my parents anymore I had taken a liking to seeing fear in her eyes .I loved the power that I felt surging through my veins.Now I didn't wanted to stop until I saw her choking on her on blood .
Her eyes were pleading and sorrowful. " My mother would've accepted your apology;"Queen Cybele's eyes turned hopeful,until I said ,"But I'm not my mother."
I slowly stabbed Queen Cybele in the center of her stomach . The Queen gasped in realization of what was happening. My favorite part was seeing her eyes fill with shock,then fear,then finally emptiness .
Her awful child's crying got even louder and more high pitched.
Her body slumped forward ,crashing lightly into my body.I gently cut into the top of chest , dark red blood seeped from the open wound. Her lifeless body was spread across my lap . I reached inside of the open room and grabbed the Queens heart out of her chest. It was about the size of my hand , it was dark and red and lifeless .Oh the joy.
I finally avenged my parents . But, this isn't enough. This object in my hand is not enough. My mother deserves more than this . The Queen took everything from her .
I stared at the heart I had in my hand . I glanced up at the Queens bureau and saw that there was a white chest on top of it. I elatedly ran to the bureau and grabbed the chest. My body filled with suspense as I opened the chest . I saw what I'd been missing for five years : my mothers heart.
But, my heart quickly filled with misery as I realized that I could only keep one heart. I needed Queen Cybele's heart as a reminder of my strength and I needed my mothers heart to complete my revenge. But, the chest only had room for one. As much as I had loved my mother, I needed my strength .
Strength is what I needed most to be a Queen. But, I'd never forget my mother . I just needed to forget her love. I swapped Queen Cybele's heart out with my mothers and I turned my face away and crushed my mothers heart with all my strength. I didn't stop until I felt my hand oozing with blood.
I stood up weakly and went over to where Queen Cybele's dead body lay . I picked the hollow body up and tossed her out her open window. I watched in delight as Queen Cybele landed on the grass below. All I could hear was silence . The merriment and joyful talks from the guests stopped. The violinists stopped their musical instruments to look at their dead Queen.
Surges of screams ran through the crowd. Sudden outbursts of panic and shouts filled the air. People looked upon the window to take a look at their Queens assassin. But, I was already gone and I took their princess along with me.
Princess Diana is long gone. I could've killed her if I wanted to but, something inside me didn't let me. Besides ,being trapped in a far off land  with no way of knowing who you are is a fate worse than death . She'll never survive and even if she does she'll never come to Wonderland. But, I should've still taken precautions.
I need to stop worrying and start focusing on a plan. I did make a good decision on not killing her . Right?

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