Chapter two

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My mother and I left around high noon. By now the sun was beaming bright red orange rays right at us. My skin absorbed it's warm and welcoming energy.Our cabin was built right next to the Wonder Woods so it blocked out most of the sunlight. I stared at each Wonder tree and admired the different shapes and sizes of each evergreen .
Some were as tall as the castle and there shadows could even past the city of Wonderland. Some trees were taller so tall they past the clouds. Some were short so short that you could step on one and not take notice. Some were average size . But, despite all their differences what each tree had in common during the summer there dark green leaves and crisp edges.
Making them look like Christmas trees. But when it was around fall they're all different colors and different shades and hues. My mother grabbed my hand and we walked quickly down our cobblestone walkway. The lush green grass bloomed and unbloomed with white daisies. They would rise up from the ground and stay for 30 seconds and they would retreat back into the deep recesses of the ground.
Different smells evaded my nose as we approached the town. The first thing that really struck me as we approached the town was the colors. Mother hadn't really let me go into town with her a lot unless she was buying me a new dress or buying me toys. Once we stepped into town the first thing that caught my eye was a street artist performing. There was a large crowd around the person so I really couldn't tell who it was. Then a huge burst of fire twisted in the air turning into a deep red then into a deep blue then back into a deep red.
         I left my mothers side an ran into the crowd. I could my shoes pounding on the pavement ,as I ran through the crowd to the front. A flamboyant man held the attention of a crowd out a deck of cards as he pulled out a deck of cards from behind his back. The man wore a white mask that covered his whole face. His long dusty brown, hair swayed in the wind. " Pick a card folks any card." His voice was awkward and squeaky. His gaze landed on me." You child pick a card." ,he said persuasively.
          He held out a deck of cards for me and made told me to turn my head around he said he would do it also. I turned my head around swiftly. I felt the weight of the thin cardboard and paper  through my finger tips. " The queen of hearts ."he mumbled incoherently in my ear. " Excuse me? "I asked offensively because I didn't hear him. " Your card is the queen of hearts." . I stared down at the small red heart on my card. The Queen of Hearts.

I felt a tug in my arm as my mother, cautiously pulled me towards her. My card fell out of my hand and landed on the stone pavement. I saw the man in the mask wave goodbye at me and turn his attention back on the crowd.That shifted my attention towards center where I saw countless beggars ,street performers, and promoters . And people coming in and out of stores. Horse drawn carriages waiting on the street. People pushing past one another to get to the other side.My mother gently pulled me along as she walking.
" Oh my! I never would of brought you out of here if I knew it would be this busy." said my mother there were hints of annoyance in her voice. I feel the motions of the bodies rubbing up against my skin as she dragged me along . When we arrived at the market my mother made an attempt to smooth out her dress.
We elegantly into the store ,all eyes were on us as my mother picked up a brown basket that was lying on the table. I tried not to make eye contact with all the wide eyed starers. Instead I tried to focus on the apples and tomatoes that I was in charge of getting. I couldn't help but start to sweat from all the attention. And to make matters worse some even started to whisper.
My mother bent down and whispered " We can go now. Don't may them any attention. ". We made our way towards the person we were suppose to make payment to. But, whoever was wasn't there so we just put the money in the metal jar that was sitting on a table in front of us.
By now everyone stopped staring at us (thank God) and started going back to what they were doing before we came in. My mother and I walked out as elegantly as we came in. But me and my mother stopped in the doorway of the market when we saw everyone around us kneeling and bowing their heads. Everyone was silent as a mouse ,even the horses.Then I heard the clomping of hoofs in the pavement. I turned my head around to see a cloud white horse with dark blue menacing eyes. The horses mane was the same color as it was.
The horse was in front of three sky blue horses with white pupil-less eyes. They all trotted together pulling a white carriage with the Wonderland symbol on it ( the Wonderland symbol was a golden W with a circle around it). The carriage stopped in the middle of the street. It seemed like someone put a paused Wonderland. Everyone was still an unmoving.
White fog filled the area where the carriage stood as if a cloud fell from the sky and surrounded the carriage. I jumped when the door popped open on the other side of the carriage. Two young footmen with bright white hair and white clothes ran in different directions to the other side of the carriage .
One man opened the carriage door and bowed while the other backed up to give the person leaving the carriage room to exit. I'd never seen Queen Cybele before but, I've heard that she was very beautiful. Others say that she's a ruthless tyrant. Others say that she was nice and lenient. But none of them had really known what she was like.
The first thing I saw was the hem of her dress which was white and lacy. Then I saw the sky blue of her dress. Then I saw her . Her skin was pale as porcelain , her eyes were bright,and sky blue. Her lips were pink and thin .Her hair was white blonde.She wasn't as curvy as my mother but, she was as graceful and agile as a butterfly.

She was wearing a white frilly bodice and a sky blue dress . She looked around looking at every with a satisfied stare. Then finally her gaze landed on my mother . She studied my mother her eyes looked icily towards me. I tried to match my mothers calmness but couldn't help shaking under Queen Cybele's gaze.
Queen Cybele slowly grabbed the skirt of her dress with one hand and made her way towards us slowly. My knees started to buckle. My hands started shaking but I tried to maintain a clam composure like my mother was doing. Was that a composure or was she really not scared of the Queen? Was she trying show me not to be afraid of her?
Did my mother know something I don't about the Queen? Was she sure the Queen wouldn't hurt her ? My mothers face remained stoic and unreadable . I knew what my face was giving off : fear. Once Queen Cybele reached us she stood directly in front of my mother . Her pink lips curled into a smile .
" Cerise Martinez . Why am not surprised . " ,said Queen Cybele as looked my mother up and down " You haven't changed a bit. Except you're a mother .You're a mother that should be kneeling to me. Kneel." ,said Queen Cybele in a calm voice . My mother looked Queen Cybele dead in her icy blue eyes. " No. I only kneel to the people that I respect. To people who've earned respect from me.",said my mother angry tone. Queen Cybele took a step closer towards my mother " I am the Queen . You are to bow to me or you will be made example of." ,said Queen Cybele in hushed tones .
My heart was pounding rapidly . My whole body was shaking . " You are no Queen to me Cybele.You are nothing but a bitter ,spoiled brat. " ,shouted my mother. People all around were lifting up their heads to listen to my mother and Queen Cybele's quarrel . " I am the queen and you shall kneel to me." shouted Queen Cybele.
Queen Cybele's eyes started to water. My mother looked at me longingly and said,"No." Queen Cybele reached over roughly pulled my mothers chin until she was facing her. " Kneel.", yelled Queen Cybele. Queen Cybele had her left hand on my mothers chin by the way she held her it looked like my mother was a disobedient child .
My mother grabbed Queen Cybele's arm tightly and pulled it off her chin. " No." ,said my mother in a stern voice. Queen Cybele's eyes widen in shock then from amusement . " That was your last chance. Once I'm done with you, you'll wish you would have knelt to me. You will be sorry.", said Queen Cybele her voice breaking slightly. She glanced over at me and smiled slyly before she turned around and graciously walked away.
Once her royal carriage was turning everyone got up from where they were kneeling. They stared at us with a mixture of pity and sorrow in their eyes. Why us ? Why did they have to stare at us? Why didn't mother just kneel?

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