Chapter ten(Cerises point of view)

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I love her. I love my mommy. But, lots of people are scared of her . Especially since her hair has been turning red. People say that my mother is unfair and wicked because of her injustices . But, despite of her tyranny everyone speaks of my mothers beauty . They say she is the most desirable and most vivacious woman in wonderland .
I asked my mother about it she said everybody People say that she killed my father but, I know my mother would never do such a thing. She loved me. Everyday she would say good morning to me with a smile on her face . She even gave me my own Royal throne.Right next to hers. She had to love me. Right?
If I could just make everybody else love her. Maybe I could do something . I know I could steal the keys from one of the guards and free a prisoner. But which one . Mommy has about 10 people in prison the rest she has beheaded . I'll think about later. I got out of my Royal purple ,velvet bedsheets and ran out into the red hallway. I never really learned their names.All I know about them is that one has dark red hair and soulless black eyes and the other has black hair and piercing red eyes. I just call them Red and Black. Whenever I try to ask them about what they did before they got hired by mommy they didn't answer.
Maybe they didn't have a past. But, these were my mommy's favorite guards they had to have had the keys. "Hello Red and hello Black." I said cheerfully . They stared at me menacingly with unblinking eyes. After about 6 seconds they reluctantly bowed. " You can get up.Im not my mother." I said . I tried imperceptibly to hide my sneaky face.
They slowly got up at the same time. " I just wanted to ask you some questions. Were you two brothers?How did my mother find you? Why don't you two talk? Were you born like this? Are you mute? How old are you two?"I babbled a million questions.
They stared straight ahead with emotionless eyes. "Did you two ever have a family?Did you ever have a mother? " I asked genuinely. They stayed still as statues as I hugged them . When I was finished with their hugs ,I trotted down my arched stairway.
After skipping down a myriad number of stairs and a infinite number of hallways she finally made it down to the dungeon. I could barely see my hand in the darkness. All I could hear were my feet making its way down the stone stairs. The air around me was cold as ice. It wasn't long until a felt the staircase stop.
An oil lamp held high above my head gave away little light. I reached up careful not to fall forward and grabbed it from where it was hanging. I could hear the weak moans and groans from the prisoners. I walked into the room quietly making sure the key ,I stole from the guards didn't jingle.
I could feel the fingertips of cold hands touching me as I walked by . The stench of unwashed bodies filled my nose , causing me to hold my breath. I walked into the far end of the cells and held my lamp up against the bars. The person inside of there was odd . Everything about him was upside down.
His hair was red orange ,curly ,and matted.His skin was a sickly pale color with green veins covering his hands. A black top hat with a frilly purple bow wrapped around it. His dark cracked lips reviled a huge yellow ,toothed grin spread across his face. He wore a wealthy mans garments. The tips of his fingernails were as yellow as his teeth. " I've been waiting for you, deary " ,he said hastily.
I gave him a confused look and unlocked the rusted metal, cage. His alluring smile quickly turned greedy as he stood up and walked away without a word. "Sir,what is your name?" I asked the man timidly. He turned around suddenly " The Mad Hatter." he said insanely as he turned back around and walked upstairs. That man is entirely bonkers. No he's mad.
Did mother drive him crazy. Were the rumors true . Of course not my mothers not capable of such cruelty. Why did I feel ,myself questioning this every time a coincidental situation came up in the castle. My mother was a very good queen.

I stared at the sparkling blanket of snow on the ground. Snowflakes swirled around me and evaporated into my skin. Piles of snow covered the Wonder Woods trees. An old wooden cabin stood behind me but, it's light shadow was cast out in front of me. Two handmade stone graves stood in front of me.
My mothers surprisingly warm hand rested on my shoulder. When my mother found out that I released the Mad Hatter from his prison ,my mother was furious with me. But she did not scold me nor did she yell at me. All she did was bring me out here. Why would she bring me out to the Wonder Woods? I'd never been out here before. Was this my punishment? Was she abandoning me?
We stared straight ahead not speaking a word to one another. My mothers hand left my shoulder as she walked towards the tombstones. She kneeled down making sure not to dirty the skirt of her red, dress. The dark red and the deep black of my mothers hair clashed together. Her hair was straight and it ran all the way down to the middle of her back. Her eyes reminded me of hazelnuts.
Her rose colored lips were one of her best features. She never smiled unless we were together,but her smiles never lasted long. She rubbed her hand against one of the stones."This is your grandmothers resting place." she said slowly. "What did she die from?" I asked curiously.
My mother abruptly whipped her head around. Her eyes staring deep into my eyes. 
" Do you promise you won't tell?" she asked playfully. I threw a quick smile her way, she returned it gladly . I nodded my head . I hope I won't regret this.
" Why are you still standing? Come over hear and sit next to me." my mother, asked. I excitedly trudged through the heavy snowfall and sat down next to my mother. " Ever since I was 13 years old I've been an orphan. Ever since that day when my mother and father were brutally murdered in front of me. A queen killed my parents just because my mother didn't bow to her. The queen ripped out my mothers heart and took it away.The queen had always been jealous of my mothers beauty.An as fate would have it I avenged my parents death by killing the queen when I got older. I also found my mothers heart. But, I had the Queens heart as well and the chest could only fit one . So I was forced with a decision. If I kept my mothers heart I would've completed everything that I have worked for and if I kept the queens heart that would remind me of the strength that I have.Strength is what I needed most. So I crushed my mothers heart."she explained.
My heart was pounding in fear of my mother. So the rumors were true. I stood up suddenly and backed away from her. "How could you choose strength over love?"I bellowed in anger. "Because, that is what I needed most.",she responded .
"Did you k-kill my father?" I stammered fearfully.
My mother shook her head.Of course,she didn't.She truly loved father."Even if I did.Would you still love me.",she asked.
Hot tears were now running down my cheek as I shook my head.My knees began to buckle as she came closer to me.
"Are you going to kill me too?"I bawled.She looked at me with hurt eyes and shook her head.
" You are way too beautiful to kill.",she whispered.
"Even more beautiful than you?",I asked hopeful.
"No.But,you're getting their.You've inherited my hair.But,sadly you've also got your fathers eyes.Your a little paler than me but,that's okay. You are a belle.You are an exquisite gem of your own kind.",she beamed.
I let her gentle words comfort my pain. Her warm expression quickly turned cold.
"Too bad.You would have made a good wife too a wealthy suitor."I stepped away from her with confusion.
"But,as you know you have gone behind my back and committed a crime. And that my dear is punishable by death.",she said annoyed.
" But for you my dear,",she smiled. "I think should make you serve out the rest of his sentence."
Was I going to prison?How could she?Didn't she love me?

The Mad Hatters cell was cold and spacious. But, it was severely dark luckily my mother installed a gas lamp so I could see better. I was given nothing but, books to read. The only book that looked interesting to read was a thick heavy brown with the title:The prophecy of Magic scrawled on the front.
Wonder what that's about.

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