A Normal Day So Far

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It’s about 12:30pm and the days been fairly calm nothing major has happened, except for a few basic check up and a rabies shot. I just got back from lunch and was getting ready for the second half of the day.

___: Do you have anything today that doesn’t include lap dogs?

Receptionist: Well we have Farrelly coming in at 1:15 with a Yellow Lab puppy named Darby. Does that count?

___: (Looks kind of puzzled then develops a smile) Farrelly never heard of him before. Wonder if he’s cute?

Receptionist: I know he’s a WWE Superstar, but have no clue which one.

___:(while looking at a few files) That’s very helpful Amy. VERY helpful..

Amy: You know maybe if your standards weren’t so high you could find a decent man.

With that she walked away leaving ___ standing there completely puzzled thinking to herself “ok what the fuck just happened?” Just as she snaps into reality a tall pale skinned red headed male walks in with a little puppy.

___: And by the Yellow Lab I take it you’re Mr. Farrelly *in a baby voice* and this is Darby.

Mr. Farrelly: *chuckles* Yep this is Darby me first puppy since moving to America. Oh and By the way you can call me Stephen. (he held out his free hand for me to shake)

His thick Irish accent caught you way off guard but it made him very sexy.

___: Well Stephen my name’s ___ it’s nice to meet you. I’ll get your file and we’ll go ahead and get you into a room. As you turned away you bit your bottom lip and walked towards the examination rooms little did you know Stephen was checking you out the entire time

Stephen’s P.O.V.

Stephen (to himself): Fella get a hold of yourself as soon as she finds out who you are and what you do her whole demeanor will change. Man does she have a nice body and her smile….yep I’m losing it.

Regular P.O.V.

___: Ok Stephen here you are. Dr. Michaels will be in here shortly.

Stephen*smiles*: thank you very much. Will we see you again before we leave?

___*blushes*: Maybe

You closed the door behind you and all you could think about was his smile and the smell of his cologne. Were you falling for a man you just met? All kinds of thoughts were running thru your head so you pulled out your phone and went into the bathroom to call your friend Alysha.

Phone Call;

Alysha: Hey what’s up?

___: OMG!!! WWE Superstar Sheamus is here!!!!!!!!    

Alysha: You’re kidding right? What’s he doing there? You didn’t freak out did you?

___: He brought his puppy in for vaccinations, no Shay I didn’t freak out. He doesn’t even know that I know who is.

Alysha: huh...How’d you pull that off? Didn’t think you were that smart.

___*growls*: Thanks smartass. I am when I want to be

Alysha: I know just messing with you.

___: I got to go back to work another lap dog is in the lobby…joy

Alysha (laughing):Ok talk to you later hun

___: Beaker


___: bye haha

End Phone Call

The rest of the day went by very fast unfortunately you were too busy to see Stephen again before he left. Finally it was time to leave for the day as you walked out to the car there was a man standing by the car next to yours, and as you looked closer you realized that the man was non other then Stephen Farrelly.

___: umm I dont know if I should be flattered or a little freaked out

Stephen*chuckles*: Well I never got to see you again after you left the room and wanted to see what you are doing tomorrow night.

___: well I think I have a date. What are you doing?

Stephen: Oh *looks down at the ground*

___: I mean I think I have a date if that the direction you were going in sorry Stephen.

Just as she says that Stephen's head shot up. You thought he was gonna get whiplash, but beacause he was in shock that you said yes you grabbed his phone and put your number in it and got in your car laughing.

At Home

___:Honey I'm home!!!!

Alysha: Bout damn time hahaha

___:(while petting your dog victoria) So Sheamus has my number ;)

Alysha: how did that happen?

By this time you were sitting on the couch and Victoria was in your lap.

___:When I got off work he was outside by my car. I think he drives a Range Rover.

Alysha: rich people pff

___: Really?

Alysha: Yes Miz really.

___:Bite me will you!!! Im taking a shower.

Alysha: *yells after you* LATER I HAVE A HEADACHE!!!

___:funnyyyyyy veryyyy funnyyyyy.

After awhile you went to bed with Victoria thinking about the day you just had,but you forgot one key thing Alysha started her job as a photographer for the WWE tomorrow so you ran into her room, jumped on her bed and yelled.

___: Good Luck tomorrow my love hahaha


___:hehe maybe youll meet cody

Alysha just busted out laughing and said "hopefully" under her breath. So you got up and went back to your room. when you got there you had a text message from Stephen.


Stephen: Tomorrow 6:30 dress nice

___: Deal, Night ;)

Stephen: Night ;)

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