Alysha's First Day Of Work

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At about 5:30 Alysha's alarm went off, but before she could turn it off Victoria had jumped on the bed and was giving her kisses,

Alysha:*laughing* Good morning miss Vikki

Victoria finally settled down so Alysha could turn off the alarm but not without ___ yelling "shut the damn thing off!!" Alysha went into the kitchen to start the coffee then back to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. When she came out of her bedroom back into the kitchen ___ was up and starting breakfast.

Alysha: I thought you had the day off

___: I do, just cant sleep anymore

Alysha: is somebody nervous?? She said poking ___ in the side

___: Yea kinda whats it to you? Hungry?

Alysha: No not really *as she grabs a piece of toast and bacon* Gotta run see you later

___: Do you want me to bring you lunch?

Alysha: sure and dont ask just suprise me. Bye

___:ok then bye

___ decided to take Victoria for a walk after they both ate breakfast and to do some house work until lunch. Before she knew it, it was 11:30 and she had to meet alysha and take her lunch. She decide to get Alysha a crispy chicken salad from the diner down the street with a pepsi and take it to her. When she got to the building Alysha met her at the door and had her come in.

Alysha: Guess who bagged Cody Rhodes?!?!?

___:Bagged or banged?

Alysha: *laughing* totally bagged not banged yet but i cant wait to have my way with him

___: *laughing* OH GOD! *all of a sudden she went serious* that Stephen?

Stephen was sitting at a table with Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase and Yoshi Tatsu. Just then he looked over towards ___ and his jaw dropped. He was afraid that knowing who he was would change everything so he got up and motioned for her to follow him.

___: Should I?

Alysha: Go you may regret it if you dont.

___: true....ill be back and when i come back i want details about this Cody bagging

Alysha: Deal now GO!

___ Got up and went in the direction Stephen went to when she turned the corner he stopped her and said.

Stephen: I didnt wanna tell you this, but...

Before he could finish ___ cut him off

___: I knew who you were all a long. I gave you my number because of who Stephen Farelly is not Sheamus. I dont care what you do for a living I like you for you. Tho I have to admit youre pretty sexy in the trunks.

Stephen then leaned in and kissed her passionately ___ immediatly there were fireworks between the two and with each kiss Stephen depened until Alysha came around the corner. She alyways has the best timing.

Alysha: Shit! Sorry!!

___: *lauging* It's ok Shay don't worry about it.

Stephen: Yeah probably shouldnt have done that in the hallway.

___: You scared?

Alysha: *laughing* yep now you did it

Stephen: *blushing/chuckling* No I'm not scared just stating a fact.

Alysha/___: Sureeee youre scared

they then turn towards eachother and again at the sametime say "dont start" "I'm done!" At this time Stephen is laughing histerically and goes

Stephen: you can tell either you to are sisters or friends

___: Friends but she's more of a sister then my sisters are. Well I better get going Shay when you get home I want details about your day. *leaning in to kiss Stephen again* and you I'll see later.

Alysha: ok will do

Stephen: you bet you will*winks*

As ___ was leaving she looked at Cody Rhodes and started laughing to herself thinking of what Alysha said earlier. When she got back to her Apartment she was greated by Victoria as usual

___: Hi sissy girl mommy has a date with a hot Irish guy. PLEASE dont bite him.

She recieved a kiss for her effort and decided to watch a movie until one Alysha came home and two until it was time to get ready. Before the movie was even half way over Alysha came home so ___ ran to her room then ran back out to great Alysha.

___: Here's a peacock feather for you I found it and thought you'd like it.

Alysha:*looking at her funny/taking it* thank you, I think

___: OK! so details on Cody!!!

Alysha:Ok Ok sit down. So as I got there we were going over the schedule for the day and my first shoot was Cody. When he came into the room I couldnt stop starring at him and he came up to me and started talking and one thing led to another and now we have a date.

___:there were no details in that

Alysha: Too bad go get ready for your date.

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