Now You Know

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After they ate ___ cleaned up the kitchen while Stu got a shower and dressed. As she was washing dishes her phone starting playing a ringtone that she knew all too well, Stephen’s. Drying off her hands she answers the phone.



Stephen: I want to see you before you leave.

___:That’s not gonna happen

Stephen: and why is that

___:because it’s  just not and by the way thanks for the little cut on my lip I just love it.

Stephen: Well I want to see you even if I have to show up at the airport

___:now that’s just ridiculous

Stephen: then what will it be ___?

___: Stephen there’s no way I can see you. Can’t you just say it over the phone?

Stephen:*sighs* fine. I’m so sorry for the way I have acted towards you. I don’t want to lose you that easily and I believe you about Alex.

___:ok. And why do you think you have lost me?

Stephen: no sooner did this all happen you ran to Stu. How am I supposed to compete with him?

___: you’re not supposed to. You need to know that I love Stu and I always will, he is the current holder of my heart, even though I’m falling for you.

Stephen: The current holder of your heart?You know where my heart is even though I have only known you for a short length of time. We’ll talk more after you come back.

___:that’s the problem, I don’t know if I want to come back.

Stephen: What?!?!

___: I kind of want to stay in Manchester Stephen. Like I said though I don’t know, but I have to go Stu’s ready. I’ll text you when we land ok

Stephen: yeah ok bye

End Call;

Before she could say bye he hung up and she put her phone back in her purse as Stu walked into the kitchen dressed and ready to go.

Stu:*smiles* lets go see our boy love.

___: *half smiles* ok

Stu walks over to her and puts his hands on her hips looking into her eyes before asking “what’s wrong?”

___: Stephen called and while on the phone with him I realized something

Stu: what’s that?

___: I don’t think I want to come back. I want to stay with Alex and stay in our home in Manchester.

Stu:*puzzled* are you sure?

She shrugs her shoulders while freeing herself from Stu’s grasp and looks out the window over the kitchen sink.

___: That’s just it I’m not sure. All I know is that even though I’ve fallen for Stephen My heart belongs to you, but I’m not ready to completely commit to you again just yet or give up on a possibility of what me and Stephen could have.

Feeling as if ___, herself, had just shoved a dagger into Stu’s heart, she turned to look at him with tears filling her eyes. Stu was looking down at the floor tears filling his eyes as well.

Stu: Well then, *clears throat* I’ll be waiting in the car. *turns towards door* Just so you know I’m not going to give up on you at all. I want my family together and to possibly at some point extend our family.

Stu grabbed his bag and went to the car without looking back at ___.

 She followed him out to the garage into the car locking the door behind her. Getting in the car she leaned over kissing Stu on the cheek.

___: I love you. I just want you to know that. Outside of you Stephen's the only other guy I have ever dated.

Stu: Yes I know that, let's just get going shall we? We'll be in Manchester in no time.

___:*sits back in seat/chuckles* wow I say I love you and get nothing in return.

Stu:*stops the car* ___ you know that I love you and Alexander more than anything in this world, why would you question that.

___: I never questioned it Stuart I just thought it was kinda humerous that you couldn't say I love you too

Stu:*turns her head towards him and kisses her passionately* I love you too ___

On the way to the airport they talk about seeing Alex and the last time that Stu was there. Walking through the airport Stu was stopped by a few fans wanting autographs, he signed a couple then grabbed ___'s hand and walked to get everything situated for it.

(___ and Stu's clothes)

When the flight boarded they got on the plane ___ pulled out her ipod and put the earphones in while Stu did the same. Then, from her carry on she pulled out a small fleece blanket, curled up against Stu's arm and fell asleep. after watching her sleep for a few moments Stu fell asleep himself.

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