Let's Go

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Sometime during the movie Stu fell asleep holding ___. He woke up early the next morning after hearing alysha cussing to herself in the kitchen.While he's up he decides to make a phone call to see if he can grant ___'s wish of leaving for England sooner. Stu heads into the office and closes the door behind him he sits down in the desk chair as he dials a number for WWE's COO Triple H.


???: Paul Levesque's Office

Stu:Yes this is Stu Bennett I was hoping to speak with Paul real quick about my schedule.

???:Ok ill transfer you to him right away

Stu:Thank You

As he was sitting there waiting Shay came in with a cup of coffee for him and sat down on top of the desk interested in what he was up to.

Stu:*mouths* thanks

Alysha:*mouths* No problem

Paul:Good Morning Stu what can I do for you?

Stu:Good Morning Mr.Levesque. Do you remember when we were talking about some time off so I could go see my son

Paul:Yes I do recall talking about that.

Stu:Well is there anyway I could go sooner? I know I'm in pretty deep woth the whole Orton story,but

Paul:I'll tell you what. I will let you go if you can come back for the 2 weeks for 1 Raw and 1 Smackdown taping.

Stu: Deal I can do that sir. I just miss my son and his mother is having a tough time being away from him

Paul:No problem, I dont see how you two can be without him for so long. All i need you to Do is come to Smackdown Tuesday and Raw next Monday.

Stu: Ok sir thank you so much

Paul: You're welcome. Is there anything else?

Stu: No thats all thank you again

Paul:Ok see you on tuesday bye Stu



Alysha:Stu ___ is gonna be so happy.

Stu:*getting up* I know I have to go tell her. Wait let me book the flight first.

Alysha:*laughs* theres an idea

Stu got on his phone to book a flight for that day and to his suprise there was a flight heading to Manchester that evening at 6:45 PM. After he booked it he got up and quickly ran into ___'s room. Seeing she was still in the same position he left her he smiled to himself as he bent down next to her and whispered in her ear.

Stu:*whisper* Love guess what I did

___: You killed Mikey

Stu:*chuckles* No I did one better

___:you got time off so we can go see Alex sooner.


___:*jumps up* WHAT?!?! YOU DID?? OH MY GOD STU!!

She jumped onto Stu wrapping her arms around his neck. He started laughing as he put his arms around her waist.

Stu:and the flight leaves at 645 tonight. all I have to do is show up for Smackdown on Tuesday then Raw next monday.

___:*Still hugging him* Normally I'd be upset about you having to leave us, but we get to see our son.

Stu:Come on Love lets get you packed then we'll get some food then I'll go to my place and pack

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