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___ sat in the locker room with Stephen until his match. They headed to the Gorilla where Cody and Alysha already where, both girls kissed their men good luck before they went out and they turn towards the TV to watch the match. The girls were very focused on the match being that both of their men were in it and would crack jokes back and forth from time to time.

(the match was like this one)

After the match Cody came back and ___ kinda looked at him not interested at all in him and was watching past Cody waiting on Stephen to come back.

Cody:*whispers to Alysha* She knows its staged right?

Alysha:*whispers back* yeah she does, but Stephen looks pissed.

Christian came back and nodded his head at everyone and just kept walking. Finally Stephen came back and was extremely pissed.

Stephen:*grabs a water bottle* That was bullshit I'm gonna kick his arse next time I see him. *turns towards ___/hugs her* He wasnt suppose to be out there..I'm gonna get changed then we can go back to my place if you want and watch a movie.

___: *pulls away* Ok I'd like that as long as you dont try anything mister

Stephen: *chuckles* cant promise anything

With that he walks back towards his locker room. ___ turns towards Alysha and Cody and asks them what theyre gonna do. They decide to get something to eat and call it a night. After about 20 mins Stephen was showered and done so him and ___ left to his place. Meanwhile Cody and Alysha stayed for the rest of the show, mainly because Alysha wanted to see Cm Punk vs. Mark Henry.(punk won) Cody told Alysha to stay where she was and he went and got Cm Punk for her to meet.

Cody: Hey hun look who I found

Alysha:(turning around) Who? OMG CM PUNK?!?!? BABE!!

Punk:*chuckles* nice to meet you too..Alysha is it?

Alysha:*bright red* Yes its Alysha. sorry for kinda freaking out here but youre one of my favs.

Punk: No problem I mean its not like you tried to rape me or anything

Cody: So punk would you like to join us for dinner?

Punk: Aww sorry man anyother time id love to but my flight leaves in like 2 hours. I'll have to take a reign check.

Alysha: thats ok and ill hold you up to that. It was nice meeting you tho

Punk Nice meeting you to. thanks again for the offer Code. See ya laters

Punk walked away and they went to Cody's locker so he could change. On their way out of the arena they decided on take out and to head to Alysha's place.

Stephen and ___

After they left the arena they picked up chinese to take back to Stephen's. When they got to his house they were greated by a puppy whining and howling.

___: Where does Darby go while youre gone?

Stephen:(putting the food down) My neighbor takes care of him for me. He keeps Darby over at his house while I'm off at work. That way Darby's not bouncing around and he trains with him too.

___:That's good. *smirking* Can I go let him out of the cage?

Stephen *looks at her and smiles* Go ahead, he's in the laundry room around the corner there. I'll get plates ready while you do that.

___ doesnt reply she just follows the barking and whining till she sees Darby who is jumping in the crate and barking and whining even louder then he was before. She lets him out and picks him up (since he jumped in her arms) and took him out into the kitchen where Stephen was putting the food on the plates.

Stephen: Hey Darby whats the craic fella?

Darby goes nuts in ___'s arms so she has to put him on the ground. As soon as she does that Darby makes a beeline to Stephen jumping on his leg.

Stephen:(trying not to laugh) Down. Darby get down. Darby...

___ on the other was was laughing at the sight of the little yellow lab puppy jumping on "big bad Sheamus".

___:*smiling* its cute. (to Darby) Hey Darby come here so your daddy can get his food.

Darby looked at her cocked his head sideways smiled and ran towards ___ nearly knocking her over which made Stephen laugh. ___ was laying on the floor laughing getting kisses from Darby till Stephen came and picked him up and put him back in the laundry room.

___:why did you put him back in there?

Stephen: just until where done eating then I'll let him back out, sound good?

___:*sighs* ok

Stephen chuckles and they sit down to eat, after they were done ___ cleaned the dishes while Stephen let Darby outside and picked a movie. After awhile ___ let Darby back in and joined Stephen in the living room.

___:So what are we watching?

Stephen:*smirking* Saw 5

___: Cool *laughing* just so you know horror movies dont scare me but nice try

Stephen: Damn, you got me. *chuckles* Had to try tho, but we'll see.

About half way through the movie Darby jumped up on the sofa and put his head in ___'s lap but quickly moved back to the floor. Stephen put his arm around ___, so she scooted closer to him n put her head on his chest and quickly fell asleep. He didnt want to leave her on the sofa when the movie was over so he shut everything off and carried upstairs to his bed. Stephen tucked her in then went down to the living room and slept on the sofa.

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