Cuddles with Jensen and an upset Alex

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(A/N) I've just had chance to look at all the reads and votes I've got and I just wanted to say thank you so much for 2.5 THOUSAND reads, when I started writing this I though I'd get 100 reads at most but here I am with more than two thousand! Also, thank you for putting up with me uploading slowly and everything and a massive thank you to anyone who comments, whether they are criticising me or telling me to update or telling me that this story is good, thank you so much, I love reading any comments I get. Anyway, enough of me, enjoy reading, keep commenting and thank you again xo

I woke up, presumably later that night, encased in Jensen’s embrace. At first I attempted to wiggle out of the tangle of limbs, but after a futile few minutes, I gave up and span my body around, wrapping my arms around him and nestling into him. Soon after, I fell asleep again, breathing in Jensen’s musk.

As I was fading in and out of consciousness, I could hear chunks of the conversation between Pippa and Jensen.

‘-you treat her right-‘

‘-so help me I will kick the-‘

‘I promise I will-‘

‘-have to go-‘

‘-be back soon-‘

From the fragments I had heard, I figured that Pippa had given Jensen ‘the talk’ that she gave to every male who showed the slightest interest in me and that Jensen had left already. I almost rolled over onto my front before remembering that I was on the sofa and that that wasn’t such a good idea after all. However, as I sat up, I realised that I was back in my own bed-Jensen must’ve carried me. I smiled at the thought of myself in his arms before shaking the image out of my mind. I got up and tottered round for a bit as usual before the doorbell rang. I skipped to the door and pulled it open, expecting to see Jensen. Instead, a shivering, dishevelled Alex Turner stood there. His eyes were rimmed with red, his eyeballs were bloodshot and he had tear tracks streaking his face.

‘Alex? What’s wrong?’

‘Ca- can I come in?’ he stuttered.

I could tell that this was serious; he was so different- unconfident, timid almost. I put aside my mixed feeling towards him and opened the door further, letting him in. We proceeded to the living room and he began to explain everything.

Alex sat on the edge of my sofa, shaking. The tears had stopped but the traces of where the had been stood out against his pale skin.

'So what's wrong?' I questioned, not only because I was nosy, but also because I hated seeing him this distraught.

'It's you, Alanis. This is the soppiest thing I've ever said but its true so I may as well get it over with. I can't stop thinking about you and it kills me to know that you don't even want to speak to me. I know I cant justify my actions and I regret that night more than anything. Seeing you with that model guy was a right kick in the balls, you know? I just.. I just wanna be yours.'

I felt his hand on my chin and I realised I'd been looking at the floor the whole way through his speech. I raised my eyes to meet his and instantly regretted it. My eyes began to sting and I could feel the tears forming. I blinked to try and get rid of them but it didn't work and soon enough, tears were spilling down my face.

'Shh, love, why are you crying?' Alex pulled me into him and we sat like that, my legs wrapped around his torso, his arms keeping me pressed against him, him kissing my forehead softly, trying to calm me down for what seemed like hours. I eventually stop hysterically crying enough to get up and make my way to my bed.

I pulled the covers down and crawled in. Alex came through the door moments later with a hot water bottle and a hot drink in a flask. He put the flask on my bedside table and handed the hot water bottle to me. As he was about to leave, I got an overwhelming sense of urgency and I knew that I had to make him stay with me, even if it killed me.

'Alex...Please, stay with me' I gave him my best puppy dog face, but I knew that my words were enough to persuade him. He pulled all of his clothes off until only his boxers remained. He slid into bed next to me and as almost a reflex, I curled towards him and he wrapped his arms around me. Holding each other, we fell asleep.

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