Special dedication to AudraDoolin, my thousandth follower! And yololifelove, unofficiallyInlove, and lemonsinacan(check out her book 'Going Undercover', I love it sooo much) Thanks for supporting me!
From the moment I walked away from Chad, to the very last bell of the school day, I counted down the seconds until I could see him again.
"Don't turn around, and maybe I won't kill you," I jumped as a strong arm wrapped around my waist and another covered my mouth. My breathing staggered under his hand and panic rose in my throat. I could feel his face moving closer and closer to mine, and his warm breath against my ear. "Boo," he whispered in my ear. I pushed him off of me and turned to see Chad standing behind me, trying to hold in his laughs.
"That's not funny," I scolded, crossing my arms against my chest and giving him the most menacing look I could muster.
"I'm just kidding, Abigail," he said with a pleading voice. He followed behind me as I walked to his truck.
"I don't care. I almost went all kung-fu on your ass," I warned him, and he smirked.
"What's stopping you?" He challenged, and I dropped my arms and pushed my bag farther up on my shoulder.
"You're my ride home, and I'm scared to drive your truck," I admitted, and he stifled another laugh. "Don't laugh at me!"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. M'lady," he said as he opened the passenger door on his truck and gestured for me to get in.
"Thank you," I said politely, smiling amusedly at Chad. After he shut my door and ran around to the drivers side and got in, he looked over at me and chuckled quietly. I gave him a questioning look and he pulled out of Pine Key High's parking lot.
We sat for a few minutes in silence and he spoke first. "You're not used to this," he said with a ghost of a smile lingering on his lips.
"Used to what?" I asked, tapping my finger against the armrest to the beat of the song playing softly on the radio.
"Being driven around, having doors opened for you," he said, and I sighed. I knew I had to answer the unspoken question of why?
"Well, the guys I've been with aren't exactly known for treating girls like princesses," I said. His eyes flashed back at mine for a moment before focusing back at the road ahead of him.
"Well that's too bad, because I am going treat you like a queen," he said before bringing my hand to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to my knuckles.
"If I'm the queen, who will be my king?" I asked, and he smirked.
Stupid! Now he thinks I'm proposing to him or something!
"We'll figure it out," he said simply, and I smiled. We drove in a comfortable silence, and we arrived at his house in under twenty minutes.
His home was a larger house set back in the woods, creating a winding driveway and a huge front yard. We drove in silence and he parked his truck beside the front steps to the house. He jumped out and opened my door for me again, and I giggled when he kissed my hand before moving aside to let me hop down onto the concrete. He held onto my hand, and I used my other to hitch my bag onto my shoulder. I followed him inside the big doors with my arm in front of me and his behind him.
"Chad! Clean your fucking mess up for once, would ya?" A voice shouted from the back of the house as soon as the door slammed shut. Chad rolled his eyes and shot me an apologetic look before releasing my hand and wrapping his arm around my waist, leading me towards the voice and into a kitchen.
"Abigail, this is my brother, Aiden," Chad said, and the boy turned so quick it gave me a whiplash.
"Hi," I said, grabbing the base of the strap on my bag, "I'm Abby." Aiden shot me a wink and Chad scoffed loudly. I elbowed him in the side, and his arm loosened around my waist and grabbed for my hand again, lacing his fingers between mine.
"Are you under eighteen?" He asked, and I laughed.
"Yes, but you're still too young, sorry Aiden," I said, trying not to break down in laughter.
"I'm turning fifteen next month!" He argued, and I laughed again.
"And I'm turning seventeen in two weeks, short bus," I said, and Chad bit his lip to hold in his laughter.
"I'm not a short bus!" He exclaimed.
I could see the resemblance between the two brothers, but Aiden hadn't completely matured to the gorgeousness that was Chad Raves. Aiden rolled his eyes and left when he saw the two of us practically choking from trying to contain our laughter. Chad grabbed the giant carton of goldfish off the counter and he dragged me away towards a flight of stairs.
"He's adorable," I said with a laugh as we walked up the stairs.
"He's a brat," Chad said bluntly, and I smirked.
"He learns from the best," I said, and he glared at me. We walked down a long hallway, and he opened a white door to a bedroom.
"Is this yours?" I asked, stepping into the room. The walls were painted white, and the couch was black, along with the bookshelf and blankets and pillows on the bed.
"Yep," he answered, and I grinned approvingly. Chad led me to the bed, and I took off my jacket and threw it on the futon along with my bag. Chad was sitting cross-legged on the bed, watching me and giving me an expectant look.
"What?" I asked.
"C'mere," he said quietly, and I smiled. I ran across the room and jumped onto the bed and he smiled. I shifted my body so I was leaning against him as he leaned his back against the wall behind the bed. He smiled down at me again, and I sighed with content and laid my head against his chest. He was still looking down at me, and I giggled.
"What?" I asked quietly.
"You're beautiful," he said softly, and I smiled before kissing his lips.
I honestly couldn't believe I was sitting in this perfect boy's room, kissing him for goodness sake. I didn't deserve him, yet he was everything I wanted.
At least I thought he was.
Sorry Sorry Sorry.
Next chapter will come fast I promiseeee
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Ily guyss

Crash and Burn
Teen FictionWhen Abigail Hummers moves back home after the "cleansing of her sins", or so what her mother had called it, she rediscovers the place that had turned her to a rebellious child in the first place. When she configures a new best friend and a possible...