Chapter 2

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Lauren Conrad as Kayla above :)


By the time lunch came around, I was nearly at the point of exhaustion from constantly keeping my guard up. But I immediately softened when I saw Kayla with her chin-splitting grin waiting at my locker like she had said when we walked out of our first class together. 

"Hey, girl, how's your first day so far?" She asked, and I let out a groan. 

"Well, first day back, actually," I corrected her, and she gave me a questioning look. "I used to go here, pre-k through ninth grade."

"What?" She gave me more confused faces.

"Let's get some food and sit down first," I said, giving her a pleading look as my stomach was probably already digesting itself. We went through one of the lunch bays, each grabbing a salad and some fruits and veggies. It was really the only thing that looked edible here. When we finally sat down at a table, Kayla was even more confused than before.

"Okay, explain, please," she said, unattractively shoving a forkful of lettuce in her mouth.

"Okay-so, I lived here with my parents my entire life, went to school here, and I met these people through another friend that were always doing shady stuff but really I didn't mind as long as I didn't get caught for it. But my parents ended up getting divorced like right before that, so when I finally did get caught, my mom had decided she had enough of me and shipped me off to New Mexico when I was a freshman. And now I'm here, ready to graduate from the same shithole I started in," I finished with a sarcastic grin. Kayla was chuckling, clearly amused at the fact that I was a stupid, dumb kid. "But anyways, I was really a bad kid when I left here, so I've been trying to do the unexpected and be somewhat manageable."

"Well, you definitely fooled me. I really wouldn't have pegged you for a bad kid, especially if I hadn't seen all of the ink," she said with a smirk, shoving more food into her mouth. My hand absentmindedly rubbed up and down my arm, as if I could rub the ink away that I had permanently embedded into my skin.

"Oh, yeah-"

"Don't get me wrong. The tats are cool," she reassured me, glancing at my exposed skin.

"Thanks," I said.

After finishing lunch and returning to class that included more embarrassing welcomes from teachers and bored looks from everyone who was clearly not interested in knowing my name, the day was finally over. I rushed my way out of school, trying to beat the traffic in the one way parking lot that tended to clog up quite easily with all of the student drivers. After speed-walking so fast I was out of breath, I found my way to my little Jeep before throwing myself into the cab.

I drove off and saw the same boy from my first period class- who was absolutely gorgeous, now that I thought about it. He was sitting on the tailgate of his pickup truck, surrounded by a small circle of people and a girl leaning into his side.

I let out a frustrated groan for probably the millionth time that day. The cute ones were always taken. I removed my glasses as I drove away from Cute Boy Whose Name I Did Not Know and pulled my hair out of its ponytail. My loose curls cascaded down my back and I shuffled in my bag for my phone. I called the number Kayla had given me at lunch.

"Hey, miss me already?" Kayla said into the phone.

"Ha-ha," I said lamely. "Just a question."

"What's up?"

"There's this kid - he was in our first period. He has dark-ish hair and blue eyes and he was wearing a black jacket. And he drives a black truck," I described, and I almost put in that he looks like a model and apparently has a girlfriend.

"Oooh, that, my darling, is Chad Raves."


hey everyone yes a little bit about Abbys past and this other kid who's like probably maybe a big part of the story

leave comments I love you all


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