"Abigail Hummers," a dull voice shook me out of my daydream. "Follow me, please."
I hesitantly rose from the uncomfortable chair perched around the corner from a wall of offices. The tall, mousey-haired guidance counselor led me to a printer towards the back of the main office. She grabbed a freshly printed sheet off of the top and handed it to me.
"Thanks," I managed to whisper, despite everything else going on in my head. I began to read it and instantly rethought the idea of dropping out of high school and working at my minimum wage job for the rest of my life.
AP Biology - Room 267
Advanced Pre-Calculus - Room 132....
The list continued on with the classes I would have to attend day in and day out until mid-June. I groaned internally. It was only December.
I was sent away with a limp flip of a hand towards the exit. I let myself out and headed towards my first class of the day since I was already too late for homeroom. I studied the schedule some more and hitched my backpack further up on my shoulder. Then I began the treacherous walk towards the other end of the school. Students were leaning against lockers, hurrying into classrooms, and conversing with their friends.
Which I had none of, by the way.
I walked down the hallway, ignoring the stares and faint whispers coming from the other students. I silently walked to my first class, barely making it into the door before the bell rang. I walked to the teachers desk and adjusted my bag again.
"Hi, I'm Abigail Hummers, I'm new," I said, startling the middle-aged teacher scribbling furiously at her desk.
"Oh, yes, hello. I suppose you don't want to introduce yourself in front of the class, so just wait for some empty seats to pop up and sit down," the teacher answered, gesturing to the desks that were quickly being filled by students.
By the time the students had stopped filing in the door, two empty seats were left. One by a boy with the sniffles, and one by a girl who was the kind of person who had a lot of friends and was popular and all that Barbie girl fuckery.
I shuffled to the seat next to Barbie, and pulled out my books I had been given in the office.
"Okay people, let's go. Everybody say hello to Abigail," the teacher interrupted, silencing the classroom.
"Um, Abby," I said, and everyone stared blankly at me, and I was immediately uncomfortable with the attention.
The girl next to me decided to introduce herself as Kayla, and I gave a small smile before turning back to the teacher. But to no avail, she pestered me again. "So, do you, like, know what you're doing in bio? Because I'm more of a chemistry girl myself and could definitely use a study buddy."
"Um, yeah, actually. I'm kind of the other way around. Nearly failed organic chem last year, but bio- I can do," I answered, chuckling a bit at the smile nearly splitting her face in two.
"Do you wanna have lunch together?" She asked, her smile never faltering.
"Yeah, that would be great. Thanks," I attempted to return the smile, but I'm sure it was weak. I turned away, half in embarrassment, and half to study the rest of my AP Bio peers. Everyone looked fairly easy-going, in exception of one guy. He was distracted with his phone, no books in front of him, and it seemed there was definitely no desire to be here at this particular time.
I could understand, though. My constant daydreaming progressed when I was staring out the window or blankly at nothing specific. I could only imagine what he would think if he had seen me gazing his way. A blush creeped up my neck at the thought of him paying a shred of attention to me.
But I couldn't help myself from staring his way.
hey its ya girl, I hope this is like ok and not super boring but I'm not the best at introducing characters and stuff but def leave me comments if you liked it or have any suggestions, I try and read them all!!

Crash and Burn
Novela JuvenilWhen Abigail Hummers moves back home after the "cleansing of her sins", or so what her mother had called it, she rediscovers the place that had turned her to a rebellious child in the first place. When she configures a new best friend and a possible...