Carolina's POV
It's been a couple of weeks since Yuri has won. It was also time to got to Tokyo for our first ice skating competition. We practice everyday, and never gave up. Today I was going out with Victor for a walk around. I put on black leggings, my black vans and a grey sweater, and my grey beanie. I met up with him at the Ice Castle, once I got there, I saw that he wasn't here yet to I just sat on the steps and waited for him. A few minutes later he finally arrived."Sorry I took so long Carolina." He said looking at me, "You look adorable today." I blushed a little
"You don't look so bad yourself." I said trying to not make contact with his eyes. "Um so where you wanna go?" I asked
"I was thinking if we can grab something to eat then we can go to the beach." He said
"Sounds like a plan." I smiled at him as I but on my sun glasses. We eat at a near by cafe, once we were done eating we head to the beach. We got there and sat on a bench, we were a few inches apart from eat other.
"So why did you choose to come to Japan out of all places?" He asked
"Well I knew Yuri's mother, since my mother and her were best friends in the past. So I gave her a call that I need to get out of Russia. She took me in and that's when I met Yuri, I saw him ice skating and I decided to train him." I told him, "What about you, what did you did when I was gone?" I asked him
"I um still competed individual events, just been practicing and hanging around. To be honest I was lonely after you left." He said.
"That's not true you must of had a bunch of girlfriends, I mean how can you be so lonely without me, you said so yourself, you could've replaced me or something." Looking down hold tight on to my leggings trying so hard not to cry in front of him. Then I felt a warm hand took a hold of my left hand, I turned away trying not to look at him.
"Carolina look at me." He said as he grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to face him. I was looking down and he took a hold of my chin, he gently pulled my chin up. My eyes widen as I saw the pain in his eyes. "I would never replace someone so special like you, I'm not going to lie I did have a few girlfriends but that's not the point, the point is that you have always been in my mind Carolina. So tell me have you had any boyfriends?" He asked leaning in, I play along once his eyes were closed and his lips were a couple centimeters close to my, I put my finger on his lips. He opened his eye confused.
"No Victor I haven't had a boyfriend yet. And I'm saving my first kiss for someone very special." I said winking at him, I got up and ran in the sand towards the ocean.
Victor's POV
I blinked my eyes and smiled, well she's hard to get at but that doesn't mean I won't give up. I got up and caught with her. We played around with the water splashing each other. We collected sea shells, and walked by the sea shore. When we were walking, the sun was setting. We stopped, we sat on the sand and looked at the view, I turned my head and saw how beautiful Carolina is, I looked down and saw that our hands were close to each other. I hesitated to hold her hand, but I couldn't I instead gave her a side hug and she puts her head on my shoulder. Score! I said in my mind. When you're having fun, time goes by fast, I dropped off Carolina cause tomorrow we're off to Tokyo.
-The Next Morning-
Yuri's POV
We made it to the first competition, before we head to China. I was kinda nervous, what if I fail Carolina, Victor and her will go back to Russia. I can't have that they're two important people I can't lose."Yuri are you okay?" A soft voice asked. I blinked and saw that is was Carolina, I looked around and we were still practicing.
"Sorry Carolina I'm just a little nervous." I told her scratching the back of my neck.
"Yuri it's going to be okay, we can do this, I believe in you." She said as she was rubbing my back.
"All skater off the ice skating rink, we're about to start the first skating event." The announcer said. We skated towards Victor, Carolina grab the water bottle and drink some water. I did the same.
"Alright you two, you got this and do better then you did last time." Victor told us.
"First of in the duet ice skating we have Katsuki Yuri and Carolina Feltsman."
The crowd whistled and clapped, as Carolina and I got into position. The music started and we began, Carolina was moving a lot more sexual, which was part of the program Victor made. I started going a long with her, when she hugged me from behind and puts her left leg on my waist, slid my hand down from her thigh to her knee. As we did our finishing pose, we were a bit closer to each other. The crowd went nuts, as we bowed and exit the rink. Victor hugged us, we went to go change for the free skate. I put on a grey bottom up shirt, a black vest, and black dress pants. I walked towards Victor, he gave me a thumbs up. He then looks away and smiles, I turned around and saw that it was Carolina she wore a short black skirt, and a medium sleeve grey shirt, she had a high ponytail which made her look cute.
"Alright we got this Yuri." She said as we do our handshake. We enter the ice skating rink and practice for a little bit. Then it was time to start, we got in to position. We were separated and had our backs to each other and looking down.
"Their free song for today will be Take Me To Church cover by Simply Three."
The music starts and Carolina skated backwards towards me and faced me, she put her had on my face, I held her hand and spin her. We both started skating together, we slowed down and did a combination spin, I held her arms and lifted her up and spin as she was posing. I put her down and held on to her waist and when the beat dropped I threw her up as she did her triple flip. She landed with grace, I skated towards her and held her from behind as we put our right out and did a spin. We put out legs down as she turned around facing me and skated backwards with her arms out. I skated towards her and picked her up as she puts her legs around my waist and her hands on me shoulder, I put my hands on her waist. She looks me in my eyes and nodded, she leans back and I spin, she then leaned forward and I put her down. She skated forward put her hands above her chest acting like something was wrong with her heart. I hugged her from behind, she looked up and but her hand on my cheek as we still skated. We slowed down, I took her hand that was on my cheek, I let go of her waist, she leaned back as we did the death spin. She got up and I spin her, we skated a little bit faster and then we both did a double flip, I almost fell but I kept my balance, that was close, I really don't want to mess this up for the both of us. As the music was coming to an end, I spin her one last time and picked her up bridal style, she had her hands hanging down and her head leaning back, as she was acting like she died, I looked up first with a sad face and then looked at her. The song ends and the crowd had tears and went crazy. We bowed and exited the skating rink. Carolina ran towards Victor and hugged him, I was kinda jealous cause I wanted her to do that to me too. Victor then pats my back, and Carolina gave me a hug. She then rushed off to the locker room to get ready for her individual event.
Victor's POV
Once Carolina left to go change, Yuri was quiet for some reason. We just waited till Carolina came out for her individual event.
"Hey guys." A calm voice said. We turned around, and Carolina was standing there, she was glowing, she had her hair down with curls, she had a white short dress, with lace long sleeves.
"Hello are you just going to stare." She told us, and enter the skating rink. She got some practice, then the event started, she skated towards us and grabbed her water bottle.
"You can do this Carolina." I told her
"Thanks Vicky." She said making me blush as she skated away. She got into position, and the music started. She skated some what exactly the first time she did it, but this time she puts her heart to it, like when we skated. Then something unexpected happened, she skated fast and got ready to do her signature move, the double ballerina flip, but it was a quadruple ballerina flip and landed softly. She finished with a combination spin, and did her finish pose, the crowd was surprised and never took their eyes off her. She bowed and skated towards us. And went to change for her the free skate. I wonder what she'll be skating.

Yuri On Ice ( Viktor X OC )
FanfictionFame. That's what Viktor has. He has so much that he pushed a very important person that truly loved him for his fame. Carolina Feltsman was that person, and she was his best friend. They both did duets together and were the best of the best. When C...