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Carolina POV
We were walking down the hallway to enter the skating rank, everything was quite after what happened last night.
"After the Final, let's end this." Yuri said.
I was in shock, I then saw Viktor crying. It hurt me seeing him cry. I came in the bedroom.
"Wait?! What?!" I yelled

"Carolina?!" Yuri said in shock

"What do you mean by ending everything, you've worked your butt off getting to the final just to then quit at the end?!"

"Carolina you don't understand, I'm holding you and Viktor back from becoming the best."

"Yuri you're not holding us back from anything." Viktor said, "It was my choice in becoming yours and Carolina's coach."

"But I'm holding you guys back; tell me that you two are still wanting to skate with each other. I can see it in your eyes."

End of flashback

Today was the big day, I did my warmup and felt confident about my event. I was the last one to go. I took my earphones out and took off my coat. I looks at Viktor as he pulled me in for a hug and wished my good luck. Yuri looks at me and nodded. I entered the rink and everyone started cheering. I got in to position and waited for the music to start. The music started I got into my zone and skated my heart out. I really wanted to win, to show that I'm still strong. That I am the princess of the ice. Then the song finished. I posed and tried to catch my breath. People cheered, threw flowers on the rink, stuffed animals. I bowed and skated towards the exited to check on my score once again I got first place. I quickly went to get some rest and change into my second outfit. I stretched for a bit till I heard my name be called. I took a deep breath and head out to the ice skating rink. For my second song I skated with everything I got and had fun with it. When the women's event came to an end, I've received my second golden medal. I had tears of joy and saw Viktor coming towards me. I opened my arms and we embraced. He picked me up and spins me around.

"I knew you can do it Caroline."

"Thanks for believing in me."

We then went ahead to go see the men's ice skating event. And to tell you it was a close one.

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