For Jayde - How We Met

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Jayde POV

Me and Jaden was walking to Starbucks

Jaden- Babe remember the first day we met.

Me- I remember it perfectly

Jaden- Tell me the story so I know you really do remember

Me- fine


Jayde POV

I was hanging out with my friends at starbucks. I went up to get some napkins just in case something spilled.

While I was walking over to the get napkins all of a sudden coffee was all over me. I guess I bumped into something.


I turned around and tell me why I saw Will Smith Son . Jaden Smith.

of course I acted cool I don't technically want to freak out because he may think I'm weird.

Jaden- I am so sorry I didn't know where I was going I--

He stopped talking and just looked at me

Me - Umm take a picture it will last longer

Jaden-  I'm sorry you just look really beautiful

I could feel my cheeks heating up. Jaden Smith just called me beautiful. Wow!

Me - Umm thanks you don't look bad yourself.

Jaden - Haha well let me repay you by getting you a new shirt since ruined yours.

Me - oh no thanks it was an accident you don't have to

Jaden- but I want to

I smiled .

Jaden  umm let me get your number so we can keep in touch

we exchanged numbers and we went to the mall to get a new shirt. Turns out Jaden was trying to buy me more than about 100 shirts bit I turned that down.

Me and Jaden became really good friends and then turned into a perfect relationship.


Jaden - yup that's exactly how I remembered it. This is the Starbucks we met at.

I looked at Starbucks right in front of us.

Me- yup

Jaden looked at me

Jaden- and this is the Starbucks I am going to propose to you at.

I looked at him and he was on one knee.

Jaden - Jayde ( You last name) will you please make me the happiest man alive and marry me.

He pulled out the wedding ring it was big.

I started to cry of joy.!!!

Me- Yes jaden I will marry you.

he put the ring in me picked me up and twirled me around then he kissed me.

I heard clapping from everybody walking by but only paid attention to my fiancè Jaden Christopher Syre Smith.

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