
561 54 3

18th November, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


*Meek POV*

"meek I...I want you to promise me..." she said.

"Promise you what Nic? " I asked confused.

"I want you to promise me that you won't give up on me. I want you to promise me that what am about to say wouldn't change how you perceive me. You're a really nice person and love being around you."

"Nic, I don't think that anything your about to tell me can change the way I feel about you. Everyone has baggage, it just takes the right person to come and allow and help you to empty and dispose of it. And amma be that person." "Plus whatever it is, is in the past now. I can't judge you from your past." I responded honestly.


"Okay meek. Well when I said I've been through this already I... I meant that I was a home wrecker." she said looking down.

"Don't ever look down you're too beautiful, hold your head high." I said lifting her head by her chin with my fingers. "And what do you mean you was a home wrecker?"

"Well umm... See... I was sleeping with a married man for like his whole marriage." She said trying not to look at me, as tears threatened to fall.

"Look don't cry. The question here in this situation now is, did you know he was married?"

"Um...No...Yes... Kinda."

"Explain what you mean Nic. "

"Well at first I didn't know. He treated me like a princess, and there was absolutely No signs of another woman."

"One day we were in the middle of... Umm... You know!" she said using her hands to explain.

" Yeah Nic I get it, continue." I said not wanting to see the visual even though I don't know the nigga.

"We were doing that and his wife walked in on us. I was so embarrassed meek. She walked in on me BUTT ASS NECKED with her husband. And he never even stood up as a man and took his fault." she cried as I rubbed her back.

" I was with the nigga for THREE YEARS meek, and he was married to his wife for FOUR YEARS ! He played the fuck outta me and guess what? I was willing and dumb enough to forgive and go back to him. All because he apologized and promised me he was done with her and he would marry me. She walked in on us yet again and I was expecting him to tell her what he had just told me but he disowned me like a child! A child meek! He told her that he was trying to end things with me but I was pushing myself unto him. Meek he portrayed me as a desperate bitch and he embarrassed the fuck outta me, and guess what? His wife believed him. I wasted THREE fucking years of my life with him, giving him my all and he was just playing me like a fucking grand piano." she said bursting into tears as she held onto me.

"Nicki..." I said rubbing her back to calm her.

"Yes Meek" she said sniffling.

"I sat here and listened to you explain and nothing that you just said showed me any signs of a home wrecker. For you to be a home wrecker you had to know that he was married all the time and you still stayed but from what you just explained you didn't know and you didn't stay." I said wiping her tears.

"Nicki we just met a little over a month ago and am already planning a future with you. For us. I want you to know that never in a billion years would I do that to you whenever we decide to make it official. While we're in each others lives I don't ever want to hear you belittle yourself like that again, your too gorgeous for that. What happened in the past am very sorry you had to go through that, but just know none of that was your fault that nigga was wrong. Karma is a bitch though and my mother always says " God never sleeps" so that nigga will soon meet his maker if he hasn't already." I said rubbing her back to calm her more.

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