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26th December, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
9:00 am

*Nicki POV*

I woke up with a heavy weight on my body preventing my movement. I shifted my head a little to the right seeing Rihmeeks' face, his head was rested perfectly on my breast and his arms were wrapped around my body tightly as if he were protecting me.

I shifted a little bringing my body up a bit to rest on the headboard, careful not to wake him. I ran my fingers through his waves thinking back on the actions that took place last night.

He came with his cousin, and I rode with him while his cousin followed behind us in my car back to his mother's house. At first I was a bit skeptical. Why? Because I was meeting his family, we weren't together but I wanted to make a good impression.

I was so hesitant especially about meeting his mom but I was caught off guard by how welcoming they were to me. They were so nice, they kinda reminded me of my family, well before all the drama. They actually made me forget about what was going on with me that night. But I know meek is going to have questions and want an explanation about everything sooner than later.

Meek then moved to another position causing me to look down at him. I watched as he moved his body and his head. He hugged and pulled my body impossibly closer to him, snuggling his face deeper into the cleavage of my breast, then groaned out in comfort. I smiled and my fingers continued their assault on his hair, messing up his waves. I watched as his back rose up and down because of breathing.

This man really has me falling, in the short amount of time we've known each other he showed how much he cares about me and how hard he would fight for me, no matter the circumstances.

"Thank you Rihmeek." I spoke softly into his ear.


There was a knock at the door so I tapped meek lightly so he could respond to whoever it was, but he didn't budge. I didn't feel comfortable responding because after all, this is not my room or house.

"umm... Who is it?" I asked sweetly but hesitantly.

"Onika? It's Kathy, I just came to tell you guys that I made breakfast so feel free to come get some." she said through the door.

"Oh... Okay, thank you Miss Kathy! We'll be down in a minute." I assured her.

"OK sweetheart" I heard her say as I watch as her shadow walked away from the bottom of the door.


*Meek POV*
9:30 am

"Meek... Stahhp!" Nicki said laughing as I held on to her waist kissing on her neck as we made our way down the stairs to have breakfast.

"Nah! What are you to say Nic?  I asked laughing as I continue to kiss down her neck.

"Oh my God Rihmeeeek... Please Stahhp... Your family is in the other room." she said through giggles trying to unwrap my hands from around her.

"So... But aight, only because you said please." I told her kissing the side of her head letting her go.

"whatever Boy." she said smiling as we walked into the kitchen.


When we entered into the kitchen everyone turned from what they were doing and focused their eyes on us.  I wrapped my arm around Nicki's neck pulling her closer to me and placed quick kiss to her head and we walked more into the kitchen.

"Good morning Onika." "Good morning Onika! " "Good morning Ms. Onika! " "Good morning Onika!" "Good morning again Onika, glad to see you finally down." everyone greeted her nicely as I smiled for a while.

I was so shocked by how welcoming they were to her last night. Usually anyone I bring home never get approved by them, they didn't even like Fah. They tolerate her for the sake of my son, which I very much appreciate.

They are protective of me...well my mom and my sister are,  which I find quite weird because I'm a man. If you get what am saying.

"So Nic, it looks like I'm invisible now." I said turning to Nicki as she just giggled.

" Oh whatever boy, why don't you sit your jealous ass down." Na said fanning me off.

"I ain't jealous, I'm just tryna figure out if Nicki the only one that walk in the kitchen." I asked them.

"Na unc, she ain't the only one that walk in,  but she the only one we care about and notice at the moment." Tweety said looking at Nicki as she started smiling, making everyone laugh.

"aight, I see how it is. And tweet your young ass better stop staring." I told him as he just brushed Me off laughing.

"and denim, that's how you treating me? You can't say good morning to me? Don't let me get the Nerf gun. " I told her as I scooped her up from the chair making her laugh hysterically.

"I'm... Sorry... I-I ... Was gonna say it!" she said laughing as I spun her around.

" OK meek! Here's your breakfast. Onika you can have a seat sweetie, your so shy. Here's your breakfast." my mom said setting the plates on the table and I placed denim down taking a seat. 


Everyone was just sitting around the table talking with each other, Nicki loosened up a bit more. And I just admired how everyone was getting along. Then my phone rang, so I took it from my pocket and answered it.

"Hello......... No problem that's my job....... That's fine Pam, I'll be there in an hour tops..... Yeah..... Yeah see you when I get there." I said hanging up the phone seeing Na looking at me.

"What?" I asked her

"Nothing, I just thought that you stopped answering your phone around everyone." she said smiling.

" Nah, I only answer my phone in private around you guys, when I know it's Nicki calling." I said looking down at Nicki as she smiled.


I was up in my room getting ready to go to the office while Nicki was sitting on the bed watching me.

"you leaving Meek?" Nicki asked

"yeah, I have a client I need to tend to back at the office." I told her

"OK, well I'll get going too" she said attempting to get up.

"get going where?" I asked her, sitting on the bed pulling her to sit in my lap.

"To a hotel. You're leaving, plus I have to work tomorrow so it's just best I  go to a hotel." she said turning a little to look at me.

" No need for that, you ain't staying in a hotel." I told her.

"But you're leaving Rihmeek, and I've been here long enough no need for me to over stay. " she said getting up again.

"You ain't over staying."

"OK, but I still gotta go."

" What if instead of you staying in a hotel, you come to work with me. Then we can go to my house and you leave in the morning for work?"

"Um... OK, sounds like a plan!" she said smiling brightly taking her seat back on my lap.

She turned around a bit staring directly at me, I pulled her up and turned her completely around so that she could straddle me. We sat in that position gazing into each others eyes smiling. I eventually looked down to her lips then leaned in smashing them together, as we sat there and fought for dominance.

Happy New Year Everyone! 🎊 🎉

Hope you guys have a prosperous new year, and each and every one of you get blessed; financially, with health, strength and happiness. 😘

PS- I couldn't find I good way to end this chapter, but I think that worked.😭😂

Thank y'all for reading, hope you enjoy.
PLEASE excuse any errors made.

TonTon™ 😘

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