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25th, December,2016.


*Meek POV*

"No, that nigga crazy! He was really on some shit!" Na said causing everyone to laugh.

We were all sitting around the living room telling stories, sharing jokes and having fun. One thing I loved about my family is, they know how to let loose and have fun with each other during the holidays. No drama, no nothing, just fun together And that's what it's about.

"But you crazy too, he made your ass go crazy with him." my mom said laughing.

"True! Tweety, both your parents crazy bull, so that's why you talk to yourself, it runs in your blood." I said as Tweety brushed me off laughing.


As we continued to socialize with each other my phone went off indicating that I'm receiving a call. I retrieved it from my pant pocket and read over the caller ID, which I identified as Nicki. I then came to the realization that I hadn't been in contact with her recently and I also haven't wished her a merry Christmas.

I used my thumb and swiped across the screen to answer the call then excused myself from everyone heading towards the back.

"When did you start to answer your phone privately?" I heard Na shout after me.

"Since you don't know how to mind your own business!" I responded back hearing her suck her teeth and everyone laugh.

Making my way to the back I finally answered the phone verbally.

"Hello?" I said more in a questioning manner but not receiving any response.


" I don't know why he does not just give me a fucking break!" I heard her say while sniffling.

Why is she crying?


"I don't know why he just can't forgive me, mommy did! Caiah did! How many times do I have to apologize for him to forgive me? Why does my love life bother him so FUCKING much?" she shouted a little, now crying hard.

What the fuck is she talking about? Maybe she ain't mean to call me.

Wait she butt dialed me? I thought smirking.

"why does he have to belittle me every chance he gets?"

"Nicki!" I shouted trying to gain her attention but failed.

"I didn't mean to-" *BEEEEEP* I heard a car honk loudly and the screeching of tires sending me into a panicked state.

" Onika! Pick up the phone!" I shouted trying to grasp her attention once again.

"Shit!" I heard her say as the phone went silent, signalling that the call ended.

"Meek why you doing all that shouting? What's the matter? who's Onika?"


Queens, New York
7:00 pm

*Nicki POV*

"I didn't mean to-" *BEEEEEP* I herd a car honk loudly making me put pressure on the break, causing the tires to screech and my phone flying to the floor of the car.

"Shit! " I said reaching for my phone checking for any damage. I then realized I was on a call with Rihmeek so I ended it quickly.

After checking my phone I placed it onto the passenger seat now paying close attention to the road, wiping more tears as they fell and I cried silently. 

Jelani was my life, my family was my life. He's my big brother the person I looked up too, the person that is supposed to protect m-

My phone then started to ring so I picked it up looking at the Caller ID seeing that it was Rihmeek, I sighed answering on the fourth ring.


"H-hello?" I answered sniffling softly.

"Nicki?" I heard him ask.

"Yes Rihmeek?" I said sniffling.

"You okay? You called me on accident and you were crying which your still doing, then the c-" he said rambling on sounding really concerned.

"I'm fine meek! " I replied a bit frustrated cutting him off.

" Oh aight. I was a bit worried."

"I'm fine."

" It's 7:00 pm, why you not with your family? It's Christmas..." he asked

" Long story, but I'm going to a hotel." I answered not really wanting to go into full details.

" A hotel? On Christmas? What's the pro-" he said as I cut him off.

" I don't really wanna talk about it meek. I just wanna get to the hotel and sleep." I said

"Nah you ain't going to no hotel. And didn't I tell you that you could tell me anything?  "

"yes I kn-"

"Good! You in Queens right? "

"Yes b-" I tried saying as he cut me off again.

"aight then. Amma send you the address to my moms crib, come to Philly." he said demandingly.

"Rihmeek, I said am tired I don't wanna drive for two hours I j-"  I said as he cut me off once again.

" Aight. Tell me where you at, wait there and Amma come get you." he said as I sighed knowing that he isn't gonna take no for an answer.

"OK" I said then told him my whereabouts then I ended the call.


I pulled the car off to the side of road and waited for meek to come pick me up. Through all the tears and the worst Christmas ever Rihmeek managed to put a smile on my face.

He just proved to me that he genuinely cares about me. He's sacrificing his time with his family on Christmas to come pick me up. I don't think I'll ever understand why he cares so much, but I definitely appreciate it.

Thank y'all for reading, hope you enjoy.
PLEASE excuse any errors made.

TonTon™ 😘

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