Chapter 2 - An Indecent Proposal

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The Song from the playlist for Chapter Two is "House Party at Boothy's" - Little Man Tate

Sorry for any mistakes, hope you enjoy chapter two


This was turning into to a total nightmare! The party had started out well, I was actually really enjoying myself surprisingly; I'd danced, laughed, chatted with my friends and all without getting drunk. However events occurred seperating me from all my friends, alone with no idea where I was let alone my friends.

Robin and Casey decided they wanted to go dancing and disappeared off to another room, Leaving Rae and me to entertain ourselves. We headed to the lounge where a crowd of people were gathering.

When we stepped into the room, I was amazed to see the whole wall covered by a giant televison screen; I think my jaw literally dropped in awe. Two guys who looked vaguley familiar were playing the latest Fifa soccer game on the new Playstation that had just been released. Everytime one of them took a shot or scored a goal the whole crowd cheered and whooped.

"Yeah! And the Finnster wins again! Who dares challenge the master?" Finn Donaldson jumped up, throwing his controller on the seat he'd just vacated, raising his arms to the cheers of the crowd. Finn was one of the stars of the football team, which meant he was a member of the 'populars'.

"Come on! Who thinks they can beat me?" He high-fived some guy behind him, as his defeated opponent skulked out of the room.

Rae nudged me with her elbow, "You should play, you could definitely beat him." I looked at her in disbelief. " Come on, I've seen you play. You beat Donnie every time you played him in the summer, he's still pissed about that by the way. He wants another rematch, he's been practicing everyday."  

I remembered playing against both her brothers during the holidays, beating both of them. Her younger brother Donnie thought being beaten by a girl was the end of the world.

"Evie will. She challenges you to a game." It was like everything happened in slow motion, I saw my life from the outside. Rae pushed me forward through the crowd as they parted in anticipation of what was about to come. It was like I had no control couldn't stop my body moving forward. Before I knew it I was having a controller thrust in my hands.

"Pick any team!" He turned to the guy he had earlier high-fived and said "HA! This should be a walk in the park. A geek thinks she can beat me. I feel like it's about to rain goals!" supposedly under his breath, what he didn't realise was I heard every word. Cool popular guy thinks he's so much better than a geeky girl, how original; well I'll just have to show him.

Okay this shit just got real!

There was only one team I could pick - Arsenal - the club I had supported pretty much since birth, thanks to my Dad. It had been harder since leaving London but I still tried to catch the games on TV or online whenever I could. He picked his team and then the game began.

Everything started off even and I thought I might actually pull off a miracle; but then Finn scored. He was good, very good, obviously the game came before schoolwork; he began piling on the pressure and scored. The crowd around us cheered, which only spurred me on to do better.

What he didn't know was I'd been playing this game since I could hold a controller, I'd beaten my dad in every game since I was eight. Unfortunately I hadn't played much recently, my mum wouldn't have a playstation or xbox in the house; so I had to play elsewhere.

I wasn't going to let that deter me though, I decided to get serious and scored just before half time. The crowd had gone silent around us, anticipating the second half; as soon as we started I took control. I got a goal in the first few minutes, sending ripples of surprise through the onlookers. When I got a third goal, the ripples became encouragement for me and I could hear more people gathering to watch our game.

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