Chapter 4 - The Green-eyed Monster and the Red-faced Girl

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Thanks to everyone for reading.

The song to go with this chapter is 'I'm Sticking With You' - The Velvet Underground. Lou Reed was an absolute legend.

The picture on the side is Noah.


My mouth fell open in surprise when I walked through the door, the interior was exactly like Central Perk from 'Friends' - one of my favourite TV shows. A counter took up most of the back wall, with a fridge cabinet holding huge pieces of cake and slices of pie. Behind the counter were shiny coffee machines that emitted an aroma that made my mouth water.

The rest of the store was made up of a mismatch of furniture; old leather couches and armchairs, wooden dining chairs, bar stools, coffee tables and dining tables. Every piece was different yet they all fit together perfectly. Each wall was filled with black and white pictures of cups of coffee set against famous backdrops, interspersed with family portraits.

I looked around taking everything in and wondered how I'd never been here before. 

"So, what do you think?" Noah looked expectantly at me, like my judgment meant everything.

"I think this place is amazing! I didn't know it was here." He smiled, relief flooding his face. "How did you find it?"

"My friend Olly's family runs the place, he works here at the weekend and after school."

He must mean Olly Parks, another guy on the soccer team; although he was a member of the popular people he never really acted like it. We've had French class together for the last couple of years and he's always seemed nice when we've been paired together for speaking exercises.

I walked over to the right hand wall and examined the photographs, the venue was nearly empty - there was only a middle-aged man reading a book in the back corner and a young couple chatting in a window seat - so I had no trouble getting to them.

Every square inch of wall was covered, going from black and white staged portraits to modern day snapshots; showing how the cafe had changed over the years. In the more recent prints I recognized a young Olly standing with two other boys, they couldn't have been any older than seven or eight. Looking closer, it finally dawned on me who they were; Noah and his friend from earlier.

I smiled to myself, he'd hardly changed in the ten years or so since the photo was taken; he was taller and older of course and his hair was a little shorter now, but otherwise he looked exactly the same.  

Twisting round, I saw him chatting to Olly; his brown hair was definitely shorter but tuftier aswell. Earlier I noticed how soft it was, I always expected it to be hard or crispy from product; but it was unbelievably fluffy, like feathers or something.

He was leaning against the counter, facing towards me but looking at Olly, listening to some story. My eyes roamed down his body and focused on his midriff where his t-shirt had risen up, displaying a set of toned abs. Consequently my heart started pounding, wow!

Stop it! Pull yourself together; you knew he had a good body, that's why all the girls swoon over him. Now stop ogling him before he sees.

Closing my eyes, I shook my head trying to clear the image, but it wasn't working and when I opened them they pinpointed right onto his torso again. Well maybe I could make the most of this month and enjoy the view.

Noah surrendered to a spasm of laughter, his whole body convulsed. When he straightened, his t-shirt had covered his stomach again; I didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed.

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