(4) Take a Break and a Breath

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Mystery Guy || Cassidy

Mystery Guy || Cassidy

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I'm sorry Mystery Guy.

Sorry for what?

I'm sorry for basically yelling at you when you were trying to help me.

Apology accepted.



You didn't really forgive me, did you?


Okay. I said I'm sorry. And since I don't know what else to do - at this moment - how about we dedicate the rest of the conversation to you.

Okay. How do we do that?

By me know more about you and figuring out who you are.

I'll agree with have of that suggestion. Will that work?

Sure. I guess.

Did you really go to the same high school as me?

That's what I said.

Okay. Do you really work at the beach shack?

Unless if my boss decided to fire me, then yes.

Alright. No need to be sassy.

Who said I was sassy?

Lets just continue this.

Fine. Sorry Cassidy.

It's alright. What's your favorite candy?

100 Grand. I know, it's not common, but I like it.

It's fine. Actually refreshing.

Thank you. I guess.

Welcome. What's your favorite soda?

First off- it's called pop. Second off- any kind of Fanta. But I really like strawberry the most.

I'd really like to argue with you on that, but this conversation is dedicated to you so I can't.

Know what I just realized?


You discovered one of my pieces of advice without my help.

That is what?

Take a break and a breath when needed.

Huh. Guess you're right. Thanks. Let's get back to the questions.

Welcome. Let's do this.

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